Added rail_holes() function.

This commit is contained in:
Chris Palmer 2020-11-24 23:38:12 +00:00
parent ffb4512523
commit c5b35daeac
2 changed files with 15 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -2707,6 +2707,7 @@ Linear rails with carriages.
| Function | Description |
|:--- |:--- |
| ```carriage_screw_depth(type)``` | Carriage thread depth |
| ```rail_holes(type, length)``` | Number of holes in a rail given its ```length``` |
| ```rail_screw_height(type, screw)``` | Position screw taking into account countersink into counterbored hole |
| ```rail_travel(type, length)``` | How far the carriage can travel |

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@ -46,12 +46,15 @@ function carriage_pitch_y(type) = type[6]; //! Screw hole y pitch
function carriage_screw(type) = type[7]; //! Carriage screw type
function carriage_screw_depth(type) = 2 * screw_radius(carriage_screw(type)); //! Carriage thread depth
function rail_holes(type, length) = //! Number of holes in a rail given its ```length```
floor((length - 2 * rail_end(type)) / rail_pitch(type)) + 1;
module rail_hole_positions(type, length, first = 0, screws = 100, both_ends = true) { //! Position children over screw holes
pitch = rail_pitch(type);
holes = floor((length - 2 * rail_end(type)) / pitch) + 1;
holes = rail_holes(type, length);
for(i = [first : holes - 1 - first])
if(i < screws || (holes - i <= screws && both_ends))
translate([i * pitch - length / 2 + (length - (holes -1) * pitch) / 2, 0, 0])
translate([i * pitch - length / 2 + (length - (holes - 1) * pitch) / 2, 0])
@ -104,24 +107,27 @@ module carriage(type, rail, end_colour = grey(20), wiper_colour = grey(20)) { //
module carriage_end(type, end_w, end_h, end_l) {
wiper_length = 0.5;
color(wiper_colour) translate_z(-end_l/2) linear_extrude(wiper_length)
color(wiper_colour) translate_z(-end_l / 2) linear_extrude(wiper_length)
difference() {
translate([-end_w/2, carriage_clearance(type)])
translate([-end_w / 2, carriage_clearance(type)])
square([end_w, end_h]);
color(end_colour) translate_z(wiper_length-end_l/2) linear_extrude(end_l-wiper_length)
color(end_colour) translate_z(wiper_length-end_l / 2) linear_extrude(end_l - wiper_length)
difference() {
translate([-end_w/2, carriage_clearance(type)])
translate([-end_w / 2, carriage_clearance(type)])
square([end_w, end_h]);
translate([-(block_l + end_l) / 2, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
carriage_end(type, end_w, end_h, end_l);
translate([(block_l + end_l) / 2, 0])
rotate([90, 0, -90])
carriage_end(type, end_w, end_h, end_l);