Added shelf bracket to printed/box.scad.

This commit is contained in:
Chris Palmer 2020-06-20 15:12:09 +01:00
parent d9fa8c8668
commit a547c98995
2 changed files with 145 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -31,29 +31,29 @@
//! Normally the side sheets are the same type but they can be overridden individually as long as the substitute has the same thickness.
include <../utils/core/core.scad>
include <../core.scad>
use <../vitamins/sheet.scad>
use <../vitamins/screw.scad>
use <../vitamins/washer.scad>
use <../vitamins/insert.scad>
use <../utils/quadrant.scad>
use <../utils/round.scad>
bezel_clearance = 0.2;
sheet_end_clearance = 1;
sheet_slot_clearance = 0.2;
function box_screw(type) = type[0]; //! Screw type to be used at the corners
function box_wall(type) = type[1]; //! Wall thickness of 3D parts
function box_sheets(type) = type[2]; //! Sheet type used for the sides
function box_top_sheet(type) = type[3]; //! Sheet type for the top
function box_base_sheet(type)= type[4]; //! Sheet type for the bottom
function box_feet(type) = type[5]; //! True to enable feet on the bottom bezel
function box_width(type) = type[6]; //! Internal width
function box_depth(type) = type[7]; //! Internal depth
function box_height(type) = type[8]; //! Internal height
function box_shelf_screw(type) = type[1]; //! Screw type to hold a shelf
function box_wall(type) = type[2]; //! Wall thickness of 3D parts
function box_sheets(type) = type[3]; //! Sheet type used for the sides
function box_top_sheet(type) = type[4]; //! Sheet type for the top
function box_base_sheet(type) = type[5]; //! Sheet type for the bottom
function box_feet(type) = type[6]; //! True to enable feet on the bottom bezel
function box_width(type) = type[7]; //! Internal width
function box_depth(type) = type[8]; //! Internal depth
function box_height(type) = type[9]; //! Internal height
function box(screw, wall, sheets, top_sheet, base_sheet, size, feet = false) = //! Construct a property list for a box.
concat([screw, wall, sheets, top_sheet, base_sheet, feet], size);
function box(screw, wall, sheets, top_sheet, base_sheet, size, feet = false, shelf_screw = M3_dome_screw) = //! Construct a property list for a box.
concat([screw, shelf_screw, wall, sheets, top_sheet, base_sheet, feet], size);
function box_bezel_clearance(type) = bezel_clearance;
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ function box_profile_overlap(type) = 3 + sheet_end_clearance / 2;
function box_washer(type) = screw_washer(box_screw(type));
function box_insert(type) = screw_insert(box_screw(type));
function box_shelf_insert(type) = screw_insert(box_shelf_screw(type));
function box_hole_inset(type) = washer_radius(box_washer(type)) + 1;
function box_insert_r(type) = insert_hole_radius(box_insert(type));
@ -90,24 +91,33 @@ function box_bezel_height(type, bottom) = //! Bezel height for top or bottom
grill_hole = 5;
grill_gap = 1.9;
module grill(width, height, r = 1000, poly = false, h = 0) { //! A staggered array of 5mm holes to make grills in sheets. Can be constrained to be circular. Set ```poly``` ```true``` for printing, ```false``` for milling.
function box_grill_hole_r() = grill_hole / 2;
module grill_hole_positions(width, height, r = 1000) {
nx = floor(width / (grill_hole + grill_gap));
xpitch = width / nx;
ny = floor(height / ((grill_hole + grill_gap) * cos(30)));
ypitch = height / ny;
for(y = [0 : ny - 1], x = [0 : nx - 1 - (y % 2)]) {
x = -width / 2 + (x + 0.5 + (y % 2) / 2) * xpitch;
y = -height / 2 + (y + 0.5) * ypitch;
if(sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(y)) + grill_hole / 2 <= r)
translate([x, y])
$x = -width / 2 + (x + 0.5 + (y % 2) / 2) * xpitch;
$y = -height / 2 + (y + 0.5) * ypitch;
if(sqrt(sqr($x) + sqr($y)) + grill_hole / 2 <= r)
translate([$x, $y])
module grill(width, height, r = 1000, poly = false, h = 0) { //! A staggered array of 5mm holes to make grills in sheets. Can be constrained to be circular. Set ```poly``` ```true``` for printing, ```false``` for milling.
grill_hole_positions(width, height, r)
poly_circle(r = grill_hole / 2);
grill_hole_positions(width, height, r)
circle(d = grill_hole);
module box_corner_profile_2D(type) { //! The 2D shape of the corner profile.
t = box_sheet_slot(type);
@ -178,6 +188,15 @@ module box_corner_profile_section(type, section, sections) { //! Generates inter
module box_corner_profile_sections(type, section, sections) { //! Generate four copies of a corner profile section
offset = box_boss_r(type) + 1;
for(i = [0 : 3])
rotate(i * 90)
translate([offset, offset])
box_corner_profile_section(type, section, sections);
module box_corner_quadrants(type, width, depth)
for(corner = [0:3]) {
x = [-1,1,1,-1][corner];
@ -261,10 +280,11 @@ dowel_length = 20;
dowel_wall = extrusion_width * 3;
dowel_h_wall = layer_height * 6;
module box_bezel_section(type, bottom, rows, cols, x, y) { //! Generates interlocking sections of the bezel to allow it to be bigger than the printer
w = (box_width(type) + 2 * box_outset(type)) / cols;
h = (box_depth(type) + 2 * box_outset(type)) / rows;
tw = box_width(type) + 2 * box_outset(type);
w = tw / cols;
th = box_depth(type) + 2 * box_outset(type);
h = th / rows;
bw = box_outset(type) - bezel_clearance / 2;
bw2 = box_outset(type) + box_inset(type);
@ -339,7 +359,7 @@ module box_bezel_section(type, bottom, rows, cols, x, y) { //! Generates interlo
render() difference() {
union() {
clip(xmin = 0, xmax = w, ymin = 0, ymax = h)
translate([box_width(type) / 2 + box_outset(type) - x * w, box_depth(type) / 2 + box_outset(type) - y * h, box_profile_overlap(type)])
translate([tw / 2 - x * w, th / 2 - y * h, box_profile_overlap(type)])
box_bezel(type, bottom);
if(x < cols - 1 && y == 0)
@ -399,7 +419,6 @@ module box_bezel_section(type, bottom, rows, cols, x, y) { //! Generates interlo
module box_screw_hole_positions(type)
for(x = [-1, 1], y = [-1, 1])
translate([x * (box_width(type) / 2 - box_hole_inset(type)), y * (box_depth(type) / 2 - box_hole_inset(type))])
@ -442,6 +461,96 @@ module box_shelf_blank(type, sheet = false) { //! Generates a 2D template for a
module box_shelf_screw_positions(type, screw_positions, thickness = 0, wall = undef) { //! Place children at the shelf screw positions
w = is_undef(wall) ? box_wall(type) : wall;
insert = box_shelf_insert(type);
translate_z(-insert_boss_radius(insert, w))
for(p = screw_positions)
module box_shelf_bracket(type, screw_positions, wall = undef) { //! Generates a shelf bracket, the first optional child is a 2D cutout and the second 3D cutouts
w = is_undef(wall) ? box_wall(type) : wall;
insert = box_shelf_insert(type);
lip = 2 * insert_boss_radius(insert, w);
width = insert_length(insert) + w;
module shape()
difference() {
square([box_width(type), box_depth(type)], center = true);
offset(bezel_clearance / 2)
box_corner_quadrants(type, box_width(type), box_depth(type));
module boss()
translate_z(-width + eps)
linear_extrude(width - 2 * eps)
hull() {
circle4n(r = lip / 2 - eps);
translate([-lip / 2, -lip / 2 + eps])
square([lip, eps]);
difference() {
union() {
difference() {
round(2) offset(-width)
difference() {
box_shelf_screw_positions(type, screw_positions, 0, w)
if($children > 1)
box_shelf_screw_positions(type, screw_positions, 0, w)
insert_hole(insert, counterbore = 1, horizontal = true);
module box_shelf_bracket_section(type, rows, cols, x, y) { //! Generates sections of the shelf bracket to allow it to be bigger than the printer
tw = box_width(type);
w = tw / cols;
th = box_depth(type);
h = th / rows;
clip(xmin = 0, xmax = w, ymin = 0, ymax = h)
translate([tw / 2 - x * w, th / 2 - y * h])
module box_left_blank(type, sheet = false) { //! Generates a 2D template for the left sheet, ```sheet``` can be set to override the type

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@ -3872,6 +3872,7 @@ Normally the side sheets are the same type but they can be overridden individual
| ```box_height(type)``` | Internal height |
| ```box_screw(type)``` | Screw type to be used at the corners |
| ```box_sheets(type)``` | Sheet type used for the sides |
| ```box_shelf_screw(type)``` | Screw type to hold a shelf |
| ```box_top_sheet(type)``` | Sheet type for the top |
| ```box_wall(type)``` | Wall thickness of 3D parts |
| ```box_width(type)``` | Internal width |
@ -3879,7 +3880,7 @@ Normally the side sheets are the same type but they can be overridden individual
### Functions
| Function | Description |
|:--- |:--- |
| ```box(screw, wall, sheets, top_sheet, base_sheet, size, feet = false)``` | Construct a property list for a box. |
| ```box(screw, wall, sheets, top_sheet, base_sheet, size, feet = false, shelf_screw = M3_dome_screw)``` | Construct a property list for a box. |
| ```box_bezel_height(type, bottom)``` | Bezel height for top or bottom |
| ```box_corner_gap(type)``` | Gap between box_sheets at the corners to connect inside and outside profiles |
| ```box_inset(type)``` | How much the bezel intrudes on the specified width and length, away from the corners |
@ -3899,6 +3900,7 @@ Normally the side sheets are the same type but they can be overridden individual
| ```box_corner_profile(type)``` | Generates the corner profile STL for 3D printing. |
| ```box_corner_profile_2D(type)``` | The 2D shape of the corner profile. |
| ```box_corner_profile_section(type, section, sections)``` | Generates interlocking sections of the corner profile to allow it to be taller than the printer |
| ```box_corner_profile_sections(type, section, sections)``` | Generate four copies of a corner profile section |
| ```box_front(type)``` | Default front, can be overridden to customise |
| ```box_front_blank(type, sheet = false)``` | Generates a 2D template for the front sheet, ```sheet``` can be set to override the type |
| ```box_left(type)``` | Default left side, can be overridden to customise |
@ -3906,6 +3908,9 @@ Normally the side sheets are the same type but they can be overridden individual
| ```box_right(type)``` | Default right side, can be overridden to customise |
| ```box_right_blank(type, sheet = false)``` | Generates a 2D template for the right sheet, ```sheet``` can be set to override the type |
| ```box_shelf_blank(type, sheet = false)``` | Generates a 2D template for a shelf sheet |
| ```box_shelf_bracket(type, screw_positions, wall = undef)``` | Generates a shelf bracket, the first optional child is a 2D cutout and the second 3D cutouts |
| ```box_shelf_bracket_section(type, rows, cols, x, y)``` | Generates sections of the shelf bracket to allow it to be bigger than the printer |
| ```box_shelf_screw_positions(type, screw_positions, thickness = 0, wall = undef)``` | Place children at the shelf screw positions |
| ```box_top(type)``` | Default top, can be overridden to customise |
| ```box_top_blank(type)``` | Generates a 2D template for the top sheet |
| ```grill(width, height, r = 1000, poly = false, h = 0)``` | A staggered array of 5mm holes to make grills in sheets. Can be constrained to be circular. Set ```poly``` ```true``` for printing, ```false``` for milling. |