diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f288702 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Copyright (C) + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. diff --git a/docs/box.odg b/docs/box.odg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c2aa1b Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/box.odg differ diff --git a/docs/box.png b/docs/box.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7488ded Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/box.png differ diff --git a/libtest.png b/libtest.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1aa92b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/libtest.png differ diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4a8ba9 --- /dev/null +++ b/readme.md @@ -0,0 +1,4249 @@ +# NopSCADlib +An ever expanding library of parts modelled in OpenSCAD useful for 3D printers and enclosures for electronics, etc. + +It contains lots of vitamins (the RepRap term for non-printed parts), some general purpose printed parts and +some utilities. There are also Python scripts to generate Bills of Materials (BOMs), + STL files for all the printed parts and DXF files for CNC routed parts in a project. + +## Table of Contents +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Vitamins A-N Vitamins O-Z Printed Utilities Core Utilities
Ball_bearings Opengrab Box Annotation Bom
Batteries O_ring Butt_box Bezier Clip
Belts Pcbs Cable_grommets Dogbones Global
Blowers Pillars Carriers Fillet Polyholes
Bulldogs Psus Corner_block Hanging_hole Rounded_rectangle
Buttons Pulleys Door_hinge Layout Sphere
Cable_strips Rails Door_latch Maths Teardrops
Components Ring_terminals Fan_guard Offset
Displays Rockers Fixing_block Quadrant
D_connectors Rod Foot Round
Fans Screws Handle Rounded_cylinder
Fuseholder Sealing_strip Ribbon_clamp Rounded_polygon
Hot_ends Sheets Screw_knob Sector
Iecs Spades Socket_box Sweep
Inserts Spools Strap_handle Tube
Jack Springs
Leadnuts Ssrs
Leds Stepper_motors
Light_strips Toggles
Linear_bearings Transformers
Mains_sockets Tubings
Meter Variacs
Microswitches Veroboard
Microview Washers
Modules Zipties
+--- +
+## Ball_bearings +Simple model of ball bearings with seals, the colour of which can be specified. If silver they are assumed to be metal and the +part number gets a ZZ suffix. Any other colour is assumed to be rubber and the suffix is -2RS. + +If a ball bearing has a child it is placed on its top surface, the same as nuts and washers, etc. + +Also single bearing balls are modelled as just a silver sphere and a BOM entry. + + +[vitamins/ball_bearings.scad](vitamins/ball_bearings.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/ball_bearing.scad](vitamins/ball_bearing.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/ball_bearings.scad](tests/ball_bearings.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```bb_bore(type)``` | Internal diameter | +| ```bb_colour(type)``` | Shield colour, "silver" for metal | +| ```bb_diameter(type)``` | External diameter | +| ```bb_name(type)``` | Part code without shield type suffix | +| ```bb_width(type)``` | Width | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```bb_rim(type)``` | Inner and outer rim thickness | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ball_bearing(type)``` | Draw a ball bearing | +| ```bearing_ball(dia)``` | Draw a steel bearing ball | + +![ball_bearings](tests/png/ball_bearings.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```ball_bearing(BB608)``` | Ball bearing 608-2RS 8mm x 22mm x 7mm | +| 1 | ```ball_bearing(BB624)``` | Ball bearing 624-2RS 4mm x 13mm x 5mm | +| 2 | ``` bearing_ball(3)``` | Steel ball 3mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Batteries +Actually just single cells at the moment, shown here with mating contacts in place. + +Note that the [Lumintop LM34](http://www.lumintop.com/lm34c-usb-rechargeable-18650-li-ion-battery.html) has a built in charger with a USB socket and two LEDs. + +The battery length includes its contacts and the origin is the centre of that length. As well as drawing the battery and contacts there are functions +exposing enough information to make a battery box. + + +[vitamins/batteries.scad](vitamins/batteries.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/battery.scad](vitamins/battery.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/batteries.scad](tests/batteries.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```battery_colour(type)``` | Casing colour | +| ```battery_contact(type)``` | Contact type | +| ```battery_diameter(type)``` | Casing diameter | +| ```battery_led_positions(type)``` | LED positions for Lumintop | +| ```battery_length(type)``` | Total length including terminals | +| ```battery_neg_dia(type)``` | Negative terminal diameter | +| ```battery_pos_dia(type)``` | Positive terminal diameter | +| ```battery_pos_height(type)``` | Positive terminal height above the casing | +| ```battery_usb_offset(type)``` | USB connector offset from the top | +| ```contact_height(type)``` | Height of the flat part | +| ```contact_neg(type)``` | Negative spring height above the plate when compressed and the spring type | +| ```contact_pos(type)``` | Positive contact dimple height and top and bottom internal diameter | +| ```contact_tab_length(type)``` | Length of the tab | +| ```contact_tab_width(type)``` | Width of the tab | +| ```contact_thickness(type)``` | Thickness of the metal | +| ```contact_width(type)``` | Width of the flat part | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```battery(type)``` | Draw a battery | +| ```battery_contact(type, pos = true)``` | Draw a positive or negative battery contact for specified battery | +| ```battery_led_positions(type)``` | Position of the LEDs on a Lumintop | + +![batteries](tests/png/batteries.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 6 | ```battery_contact(bcontact, false)``` | Battery negative contact | +| 6 | ```battery_contact(bcontact, true)``` | Battery positive contact | +| 1 | ```battery(AACELL)``` | Cell AA | +| 1 | ```battery(AAACELL)``` | Cell AAA | +| 1 | ```battery(CCELL)``` | Cell C | +| 1 | ```battery(DCELL)``` | Cell D | +| 1 | ```battery(LUMINTOP)``` | Cell LUMINTOP 18650 LION with charger | +| 1 | ```battery(S25R18650)``` | Cell Samsung 25R 18650 LION | + + +Top + +--- + +## Belts +Models timing belt running over toothed or smooth pulleys and calculates an accurate length. +Only models 2D paths, so not core XY! + +By default the path is a closed loop but a gap length and position can be specified to make open loops. + +Individual teeth are not drawn, instead they are represented by a lighter colour. + + +[vitamins/belts.scad](vitamins/belts.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/belt.scad](vitamins/belt.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/belts.scad](tests/belts.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```belt_pitch(type)``` | Pitch in mm | +| ```belt_thickness(type)``` | Total thickness including teeth | +| ```belt_tooth_height(type)``` | Tooth height | +| ```belt_width(type)``` | Width in mm | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```belt_length(points, gap = 0)``` | Compute belt length given path and optional gap | +| ```belt_pitch_height(type)``` | Offset of the pitch radius from the tips of the teeth | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```belt(type, points, gap = 0, gap_pt = undef)``` | Draw a belt path given a set of points and pitch radii where the pulleys are. Closed loop unless a gap is specified | + +![belts](tests/png/belts.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```belt(GT2x6, [ ... ])``` | Belt GT2 x 6mm x 128mm | +| 1 | ```belt(GT2x6, [ ... ], 80, [0, 0.81])``` | Belt GT2 x 6mm x 694mm | +| 1 | ```belt(T2p5x6, [ ... ])``` | Belt T2.5 x 6mm x 130mm | +| 1 | ```belt(T5x10, [ ... ])``` | Belt T5 x 10mm x 130mm | +| 1 | ```belt(T5x6, [ ... ])``` | Belt T5 x 6mm x 130mm | +| 1 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 2 | ```pulley(GT2x20_toothed_idler)``` | Pulley GT2 idler 20 teeth | +| 2 | ```pulley(GT2x16_plain_idler)``` | Pulley GT2 idler smooth | +| 2 | ```pulley(GT2x20ob_pulley)``` | Pulley GT2OB 20 teeth | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_cs_cap_screw, 20)``` | Screw M3 cs cap x 20mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_grub_screw, 6)``` | Screw M3 grub x 6mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Blowers +Models of radial blowers. + + +[vitamins/blowers.scad](vitamins/blowers.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/blower.scad](vitamins/blower.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/blowers.scad](tests/blowers.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```blower_axis(type)``` | XY coordinates of the axle | +| ```blower_base(type)``` | Thickness of the base | +| ```blower_bore(type)``` | The air intake hole diameter | +| ```blower_depth(type)``` | Height | +| ```blower_exit(type)``` | The width of the exit port | +| ```blower_hub(type)``` | Rotor hub diameter | +| ```blower_hub_height(type)``` | Height of the rotor | +| ```blower_length(type)``` | Length of enclosing rectangle | +| ```blower_lug(type)``` | Height of the lugs | +| ```blower_screw(type)``` | The type of screws needed | +| ```blower_screw_hole(type)``` | Screw hole diameter | +| ```blower_screw_holes(type)``` | List of XY coordinates of the screw holes | +| ```blower_top(type)``` | Thickness of the top | +| ```blower_wall(type)``` | Side wall thickness | +| ```blower_width(type)``` | Width of enclosing rectangle | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```blower(type)``` | Draw specified blower | +| ```blower_hole_positions(type)``` | Translate children to screw hole positions | + +![blowers](tests/png/blowers.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```blower(PE4020)``` | Blower Pengda Technology 4020 | +| 1 | ```blower(RM5015)``` | Blower Runda RB5015 | +| 3 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 20)``` | Screw M3 cap x 20mm | +| 2 | ```screw(M4_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M4 cap x 25mm | +| 3 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 2 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Bulldogs +Crude representation of a bulldog clip. The handle is not currently drawn but its length can be +accessed to allow clearance. Used for holding glass on 3D printer beds but Swiss picture clips can be +better. + + +[vitamins/bulldogs.scad](vitamins/bulldogs.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/bulldog.scad](vitamins/bulldog.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/bulldogs.scad](tests/bulldogs.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```bulldog_depth(type)``` | Depth from the back to the front of the tubes | +| ```bulldog_handle_length(type)``` | Length that the handle protrudes from the back | +| ```bulldog_height(type)``` | Height at the back | +| ```bulldog_length(type)``` | Length along the profile | +| ```bulldog_radius(type)``` | Outside radius of the back corners | +| ```bulldog_thickness(type)``` | Thickness of the metal | +| ```bulldog_tube(type)``` | Outside diameter of the tubes | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```bulldog(type, open = 4)``` | Draw bulldog clip open by specified amount | + +![bulldogs](tests/png/bulldogs.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```bulldog(small_bulldog)``` | Bulldog clip 19mm | +| 1 | ```bulldog(large_bulldog)``` | Bulldog clip 25mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Buttons +PCB mounted buttons. Can optionally have a coloured cap + + +[vitamins/buttons.scad](vitamins/buttons.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/button.scad](vitamins/button.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/buttons.scad](tests/buttons.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```square_button_cap_d(type)``` | Diameter of the body of the cap | +| ```square_button_cap_flange_d(type)``` | Diameter of the flange of the cap | +| ```square_button_cap_flange_h(type)``` | Height of the cap flange | +| ```square_button_cap_h(type)``` | Height of the cap including the stem | +| ```square_button_cap_stem(type)``` | Length of the cap stem | +| ```square_button_d(type)``` | Button diameter | +| ```square_button_h(type)``` | Height of the button above the PCB | +| ```square_button_height(type)``` | Height of the base | +| ```square_button_rivit(type)``` | Size of the corner rivets | +| ```square_button_wall(type)``` | Offset of the metal part | +| ```square_button_width(type)``` | Width and depth of the base | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```square_button(type, colour = "yellow")``` | Draw square button with specified cap colour if it has a cap | + +![buttons](tests/png/buttons.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```square_button(button_12mm, "yellow")``` | Square button 12mm with yellow cap | +| 1 | ```square_button(button_4p5mm)``` | Square button 4.5mm | +| 1 | ```square_button(button_6mm)``` | Square button 6mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Cable_strips +A strip of polypropylene used with ribbon cable to make a cable flexible in one direction only. + +Modelled with a Bezier spline, which is not quite the same as a miniumum energy curve but very close, epecially +near the extreme positions, where the model needs to be accurate. + +When the sides are constrained then a circular model is more accurate. + + +[vitamins/cable_strip.scad](vitamins/cable_strip.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/cable_strips.scad](tests/cable_strips.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```bezier_cable_length(depth, min_z, pos)``` | Calculate a length that will achieve the desired minimum z | +| ```cable_strip_length(depth, travel, extra = 15)``` | Calculate circular cable strip length | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```bezier_cable_strip(ways, depth, length, travel, pos, below, extra)``` | Draw a cable strip using a Bezier curve | +| ```cable_strip(ways, depth, travel, x, extra = 15)``` | Draw a cable stripe with a semi circular fold | + +![cable_strips](tests/png/cable_strips.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```bezier_cable_strip(20, 50, 150, 100, -100, 100, 10)``` | Polypropylene strip 170mm x 26mm x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```bezier_cable_strip(20, 50, 150, 100, 0, 100, 10)``` | Polypropylene strip 170mm x 26mm x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```bezier_cable_strip(20, 50, 150, 100, 100, 100, 10)``` | Polypropylene strip 170mm x 26mm x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```cable_strip(20, 25, 100, -100, 30)``` | Polypropylene strip 189mm x 24mm x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```cable_strip(20, 25, 100, 0, 30)``` | Polypropylene strip 189mm x 24mm x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```cable_strip(20, 25, 100, 100, 30)``` | Polypropylene strip 189mm x 24mm x 0.8mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Components +Various electronic components used in hot ends and heated beds. + + +[vitamins/components.scad](vitamins/components.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/component.scad](vitamins/component.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/components.scad](tests/components.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```al_clad_clearance(type)``` | Clearance from screw hole centre to the body | +| ```al_clad_height(type)``` | Body height | +| ```al_clad_hole(type)``` | Hole diameter | +| ```al_clad_hpitch(type)``` | Lengthways pitch between screw holes | +| ```al_clad_length(type)``` | Body length | +| ```al_clad_tab(type)``` | Tab width | +| ```al_clad_thickness(type)``` | Tab thickness | +| ```al_clad_vpitch(type)``` | Widthways pitch between screw holes | +| ```al_clad_width(type)``` | Width including tabs | +| ```al_clad_wire_length(type)``` | Total length including wires | +| ```resistor_colour(type)``` | Body colour | +| ```resistor_diameter(type)``` | Body diameter | +| ```resistor_hole(type)``` | Hole big enough to glue it into | +| ```resistor_length(type)``` | Body length | +| ```resistor_radial(type)``` | Radial gives bead thermistor style body | +| ```resistor_sleeved(type)``` | Are the leads sleeved | +| ```resistor_wire_diameter(type)``` | Wire diameter | +| ```resistor_wire_length(type)``` | Wire length from body | +| ```tc_body_height(type)``` | Plastic body height | +| ```tc_body_inset(type)``` | How far metal is inset into the plastic body | +| ```tc_body_length(type)``` | Plastic body length | +| ```tc_body_width(type)``` | Plastic body width | +| ```tc_hole_dia(type)``` | Screw hole diameter | +| ```tc_hole_pitch(type)``` | Screw hole pitch | +| ```tc_length(type)``` | Across the lugs | +| ```tc_spade_height(type)``` | Terminal spade height measured from base | +| ```tc_spade_pitch(type)``` | Terminal spade pitch | +| ```tc_thickness(type)``` | Metal thickness | +| ```tc_width(type)``` | Width of lugs | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```TO220_thickness()``` | Thickness of the tab of a TO220 | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ``` TO220(description, leads = 3, lead_length = 16)``` | Draw a TO220 package, use ```description``` to describe what it is | +| ```al_clad_resistor(type, value, leads = true)``` | Draw an aluminium clad resistor | +| ```al_clad_resistor_hole_positions(type)``` | Position children at the screw holes of an aluminium clad resistor | +| ```al_clad_resistor_holes(type, h = 100)``` | Drill screw holes for an aluminium clad resistor | +| ```panel_USBA()``` | Draw a panel mount USBA connector | +| ```panel_USBA_hole_positions()``` | Place children at hole positions | +| ```panel_USBA_holes(h = 100)``` | Make holes for USBA connector | +| ```resistor(type)``` | Draw specified type of resitor | +| ```sleeved_resistor(type, sleeving, bare = 5, heatshrink = false)``` | Draw a resistor with sleeved leads and option heatshrink | +| ```thermal_cutout(type)``` | Draw specified thermal cutout | +| ```thermal_cutout_hole_positions(type)``` | Place children at hole positions | + +![components](tests/png/components.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```TO220("Generic TO220 package")``` | Generic TO220 package | +| 8 | ```tubing(HSHRNK32)``` | Heatshrink sleeving ID 3.2mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```resistor(RWM04106R80J)``` | Resistor RWM04106R80J 6R8 3W vitreous enamel | +| 1 | ```resistor(RIE1212UB5C5R6)``` | Resistor UB5C 5R6F 5R6 3W vitreous enamel | +| 1 | ```al_clad_resistor(THS10, 4.7)``` | Resistor aluminium clad THS10 4.7 | +| 1 | ```al_clad_resistor(THS15, 4.7)``` | Resistor aluminium clad THS15 4.7 | +| 1 | ```al_clad_resistor(THS25, 4.7)``` | Resistor aluminium clad THS25 4.7 | +| 1 | ```al_clad_resistor(THS50, 4.7)``` | Resistor aluminium clad THS50 4.7 | +| 4 | ```screw(M2p5_pan_screw, 16)``` | Screw M2.5 pan x 16mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_pan_screw, 16)``` | Screw M3 pan x 16mm | +| 1 | ```panel_USBA()``` | Socket USB A panel mount | +| 1 | ```thermal_cutout(TC)``` | Thermal cutout TC | +| 1 | ```resistor(Epcos)``` | Thermistor Epcos B57560G104F 100K 1% | +| 1 | ```resistor(EpcosBlue)``` | Thermistor Epcos B57861S104F40 100K 1% | +| 1 | ```resistor(Honewell)``` | Thermistor Honeywell 135-104LAC-J01 100K 1% | + + +Top + +--- + +## Displays +LCD dispays. + + +[vitamins/displays.scad](vitamins/displays.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/display.scad](vitamins/display.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/displays.scad](tests/displays.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```display_aperture(type)``` | Size of the aperture including its depth | +| ```display_height(type)``` | Depth of the metal part | +| ```display_pcb(type)``` | PCB mounted on the back | +| ```display_pcb_offset(type)``` | 3D offset of the PCB centre | +| ```display_ribbon(type)``` | Keep out region for ribbon cable | +| ```display_thickness(type)``` | Height of the metal part | +| ```display_threads(type)``` | Length that studs protrude from the PCB holes | +| ```display_touch_screen(type)``` | Touch screen position and size | +| ```display_width(type)``` | Width of the metal part | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```display_depth(type)``` | Total thickness including touch screen and PCB | +| ```display_ts_thickness(type)``` | Touch screen thickness or 0 | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```display(type)``` | Draw specified display | +| ```display_aperture(type, clearance, clear_pcb = false)``` | Make aperture cutout | + +![displays](tests/png/displays.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```display(HDMI5)``` | HDMI display 5" | +| 1 | ```display(LCD1602A)``` | LCD display 1602A | + + +Top + +--- + +## D_connectors +D-connectors. Can be any number of ways, male or female, solder buckets, PCB mount or IDC, with or without pillars. + + +[vitamins/d_connectors.scad](vitamins/d_connectors.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/d_connector.scad](vitamins/d_connector.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/d_connectors.scad](tests/d_connectors.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ``` d_flange_length(type)``` | Length of the flange | +| ``` d_flange_thickness(type)``` | Thickness of the flange | +| ``` d_flange_width(type)``` | Width of the flange | +| ``` d_front_height(type)``` | From the back of the flange to the front | +| ``` d_height(type)``` | From the front to the back of the metal part | +| ``` d_hole_pitch(type)``` | Mounting hole pitch | +| ``` d_lengths(type)``` | Lengths of the D for plug and socket | +| ``` d_ways(type)``` | Number of ways | +| ``` d_widths(type)``` | Widths of the D for plug and socket | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ``` d_mate_distance(type)``` | Spacing when mated | +| ``` d_pcb_offset(type)``` | Height of the back of the flange above the PCB | +| ``` d_slot_length(type)``` | Slot to clear the back | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```d_connector_holes(type)``` | Place children at the screw hole positions | +| ```d_pillar()``` | Draw a pillar for a D-connector | +| ```d_plug(type, socket = false, pcb = false, idc = false)``` | Draw specified D plug, which can be IDC, PCB or plain solder bucket | +| ```d_socket(connector, pcb = false, idc = false)``` | Draw specified D socket, which can be IDC, PCB or plain solder bucket | + +![d_connectors](tests/png/d_connectors.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```d_plug(DCONN15, idc = true)``` | D-type 15 way IDC plug | +| 1 | ```d_socket(DCONN15, idc = true)``` | D-type 15 way IDC socket | +| 1 | ```d_plug(DCONN25, pcb = true)``` | D-type 25 way PCB mount plug | +| 1 | ```d_socket(DCONN25, pcb = true)``` | D-type 25 way PCB mount socket | +| 1 | ```d_plug(DCONN9)``` | D-type 9 way plug | +| 1 | ```d_socket(DCONN9)``` | D-type 9 way socket | +| 6 | ```d_pillar()``` | D-type connector pillar | + + +Top + +--- + +## Fans +Axial fans. + +Can draw three styles: solid, open frame and open frame with screw bosses. + + +[vitamins/fans.scad](vitamins/fans.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/fan.scad](vitamins/fan.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/fans.scad](tests/fans.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fan_aperture(type)``` | Optional diameter for the aperture, which can be bigger than the bore it has flared corners. | +| ```fan_blades(type)``` | The number of blades | +| ```fan_bore(type)``` | Diameter of the hole for the blades | +| ```fan_boss_d(type)``` | Diameter of the screw bosses | +| ```fan_depth(type)``` | Depth of fan | +| ```fan_hole_pitch(type)``` | Screw hole pitch | +| ```fan_hub(type)``` | Diameter of the hub | +| ```fan_outer_diameter(type)``` | Outside diameter of the frame | +| ```fan_screw(type)``` | Screw type | +| ```fan_thickness(type)``` | Thickness of the frame | +| ```fan_width(type)``` | Width of square | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fan_screw_length(type, thickness)``` | Screw length required | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fan(type)``` | Draw specified fan, origin in the centre | +| ```fan_assembly(type, thickness, include_fan = true)``` | Fan with its fasteners | +| ```fan_hole_positions(type, z = undef)``` | Position children at the screw hole positions | +| ```fan_holes(type, poly = false, screws = true, h = 100)``` | Make all the holes for the fan, or just the aperture if ```screws``` is false. Set ```poly``` true for poly_holes. | + +![fans](tests/png/fans.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```fan(fan120x25)``` | Fan 120mm x 25mm | +| 1 | ```fan(fan25x10)``` | Fan 25mm x 10mm | +| 1 | ```fan(fan30x10)``` | Fan 30mm x 10mm | +| 1 | ```fan(fan40x11)``` | Fan 40mm x 11mm | +| 1 | ```fan(fan50x15)``` | Fan 50mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```fan(fan60x15)``` | Fan 60mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```fan(fan60x25)``` | Fan 60mm x 25mm | +| 1 | ```fan(fan70x15)``` | Fan 70mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```fan(fan80x25)``` | Fan 80mm x 25mm | +| 1 | ```fan(fan80x38)``` | Fan 80mm x 38mm | +| 4 | ```nut(M2p5_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M2.5 nyloc | +| 8 | ```nut(M3_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M3 nyloc | +| 28 | ```nut(M4_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M4 nyloc | +| 4 | ```screw(M2p5_pan_screw, 20)``` | Screw M2.5 pan x 20mm | +| 8 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 20)``` | Screw M3 dome x 20mm | +| 20 | ```screw(M4_dome_screw, 16)``` | Screw M4 dome x 16mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M4_dome_screw, 25)``` | Screw M4 dome x 25mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M4_dome_screw, 30)``` | Screw M4 dome x 30mm | +| 4 | ```washer(M2p5_washer)``` | Washer M2.5 x 5.9mm x 0.5mm | +| 8 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 28 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Fuseholder +20mm panel mount fuse holder. + + +[vitamins/fuseholder.scad](vitamins/fuseholder.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/fuseholder.scad](tests/fuseholder.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fuseholder_diameter()``` | Outside diameter of flange | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fuseholder(thickness)``` | Fuseholder with nut in place for specified panel thickness | +| ```fuseholder_hole(h = 100)``` | Hole with flats for fuseholder | + +![fuseholder](tests/png/fuseholder.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```fuseholder(6)``` | Fuse holder 20mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Hot_ends +Hot end models. The E3D models were originally contributed to Mendel90 by Philippe LUC @philfifi + +Needs updating as mostly obsolete versions. + + +[vitamins/hot_ends.scad](vitamins/hot_ends.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/hot_end.scad](vitamins/hot_end.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/hot_ends.scad](tests/hot_ends.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```hot_end_duct_height_fan(type)``` | Duct height at fan end | +| ```hot_end_duct_height_nozzle(type)``` | Duct height at nozzle end | +| ```hot_end_duct_offset(type)``` | Offset of circular duct centre from the nozzle | +| ```hot_end_duct_radius(type)``` | Require radius to clear the heater block | +| ```hot_end_groove(type)``` | Groove length | +| ```hot_end_groove_dia(type)``` | Groove internal diameter | +| ```hot_end_inset(type)``` | The length that goes into the mounting | +| ```hot_end_insulator_colour(type)``` | Colour of the insulator | +| ```hot_end_insulator_diameter(type)``` | Outside diameter | +| ```hot_end_insulator_length(type)``` | Length of the insulator | +| ```hot_end_part(type)``` | Description | +| ```hot_end_style(type)``` | Basic type, jhead or e3d | +| ```hot_end_total_length(type)``` | Length from nozzle tip to the top | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```hot_end_length(type)``` | The amount the hot end extends below its mounting | +| ```hot_end_need_cooling(type)``` | Has own fan so don't need cooling hole in the duct | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```hot_end(type, filament, naked = false)``` | Draw specified hot end | + +![hot_ends](tests/png/hot_ends.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 2 | ```tubing(HSHRNK16)``` | Heatshrink sleeving ID 1.6mm x 15mm | +| 4 | ```tubing(HSHRNK64, 60)``` | Heatshrink sleeving ID 6.4mm x 60mm | +| 1 | ```e3d_hot_end(E3Dv5, 3)``` | Hot end E3D V5 direct 3mm | +| 1 | ```e3d_hot_end(E3Dv6, 3)``` | Hot end E3D V6 direct 3mm | +| 1 | ```e3d_hot_end(E3D_clone, 3)``` | Hot end E3D clone aliexpress 3mm | +| 1 | ```jhead_hot_end(JHeadMk5, 3)``` | Hot end JHead MK5 3mm | +| 2 | ```tubing(PTFE07, 62)``` | PTFE sleeving OD 1.2mm ID 0.71mm x 62mm | +| 2 | ```tubing(PTFE20, 45)``` | PTFE sleeving OD 2.6mm ID 2mm x 45mm | +| 1 | ```resistor(RIE1212UB5C5R6)``` | Resistor UB5C 5R6F 5R6 3W vitreous enamel | +| 1 | | Tape self amalgamating silicone 110mm x 25mm | +| 1 | ```resistor(Epcos)``` | Thermistor Epcos B57560G104F 100K 1% | +| 2 | | Wire Red PTFE 16/0.2 length 170mm | +| 4 | ```ziptie(small_ziptie, 8)``` | Ziptie 100mm min length | + + +Top + +--- + +## Iecs +IEC mains inlets and outlet. + + +[vitamins/iecs.scad](vitamins/iecs.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/iec.scad](vitamins/iec.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/iecs.scad](tests/iecs.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```iec_bezel_h(type)``` | Bezel height | +| ```iec_bezel_r(type)``` | Bezel corner radius | +| ```iec_bezel_t(type)``` | Bezel thickness | +| ```iec_bezel_w(type)``` | Bezel width | +| ```iec_depth(type)``` | Depth of the body below the flange | +| ```iec_flange_h(type)``` | Flange height | +| ```iec_flange_r(type)``` | Flange corner radius | +| ```iec_flange_t(type)``` | Flange thickness | +| ```iec_flange_w(type)``` | Flange width not including the lugs | +| ```iec_male(type)``` | True for an outlet | +| ```iec_part(type)``` | Description | +| ```iec_pitch(type)``` | Screw hole pitch | +| ```iec_screw(type)``` | Screw type | +| ```iec_slot_h(type)``` | Body height | +| ```iec_slot_r(type)``` | Body corner radius | +| ```iec_slot_w(type)``` | Body width | +| ```iec_spades(type)``` | Spade type | +| ```iec_width(type)``` | Widest part including the lugs | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```iec(type)``` | Draw specified IEC connector | +| ```iec_assembly(type, thickness)``` | Assembly with fasteners given panel thickness | +| ```iec_holes(type, h = 100, poly = false, horizontal = false, insert = false)``` | Drill the required panel holes | +| ```iec_screw_positions(type)``` | Position children at the screw holes | + +![iecs](tests/png/iecs.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```iec(IEC_fused_inlet)``` | IEC fused inlet | +| 1 | ```iec(IEC_inlet)``` | IEC inlet | +| 1 | ```iec(IEC_inlet_atx)``` | IEC inlet for ATX | +| 1 | ```iec(IEC_outlet)``` | IEC outlet | +| 8 | ```nut(M3_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M3 nyloc | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_cs_cap_screw, 10)``` | Screw M3 cs cap x 10mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_cs_cap_screw, 12)``` | Screw M3 cs cap x 12mm | +| 8 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Inserts +Heatfit threaded inserts. Can be pushed into thermoplastics using a soldering iron with a conical bit set to 200°C. + + +[vitamins/inserts.scad](vitamins/inserts.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/insert.scad](vitamins/insert.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/inserts.scad](tests/inserts.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```insert_barrel_d(type)``` | Diameter of the main barrel | +| ```insert_hole_radius(type)``` | Radius of the required hole in the plastic | +| ```insert_length(type)``` | Length | +| ```insert_outer_d(type)``` | Outer diameter at the top | +| ```insert_ring1_h(type)``` | Height of the top and middle rings | +| ```insert_ring2_d(type)``` | Diameter of the middle ring | +| ```insert_ring3_d(type)``` | Diameter of the bottom ring | +| ```insert_screw_diameter(type)``` | Screw size | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```insert(type)``` | Draw specified insert | +| ```insert_boss(type, z, wall = 2 * extrusion_width)``` | Make a boss to take an insert | +| ```insert_hole(type, counterbore = 0, horizontal = false)``` | Make a hole to take an insert, ```counterbore``` is the extra length for the screw | + +![inserts](tests/png/inserts.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```insert(F1BM)``` | Heatfit insert M2 | +| 1 | ```insert(F1BM2p5)``` | Heatfit insert M2.5 | +| 1 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 1 | ```insert(F1BM4)``` | Heatfit insert M4 | + + +Top + +--- + +## Jack +4mm jack sockets and binding posts. Each has a colour for the BOM entry and an optional alternative colour for display. +E.g. a "brown" socket for mains live needs to be displayed as "sienna" to look realistic. + + +[vitamins/jack.scad](vitamins/jack.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/jack.scad](tests/jack.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```jack_4mm_hole_radius()``` | Panel hole radius for 4mm jack | +| ```jack_4mm_shielded_hole_radius()``` | Panel hole radius for 4mm shielded jack | +| ```post_4mm_diameter()``` | Outer diameter of 4mm binding post | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```jack_4mm(colour, thickness, display_colour = false)``` | Draw a 4mm jack socket with nut positioned for specified panel thickness | +| ```jack_4mm_shielded(colour, thickness, display_colour = false)``` | Draw a 4mm shielded jack | +| ```post_4mm(colour, thickness, display_colour = false)``` | Draw a 4mm binding post | +| ```post_4mm_hole(h = 100, poly = false)``` | Drill hole for 4mm binding post | + +![jack](tests/png/jack.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```post_4mm("red", 3)``` | 4mm jack binding post red | +| 1 | ```jack_4mm("blue", 3, "royalblue")``` | 4mm jack socket blue | +| 1 | ```jack_4mm_shielded("brown", 3, "sienna")``` | 4mm shielded jack socket brown | + + +Top + +--- + +## Leadnuts +Nuts for leadscrews. + + +[vitamins/leadnuts.scad](vitamins/leadnuts.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/leadnut.scad](vitamins/leadnut.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/leadnuts.scad](tests/leadnuts.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```leadnut_bore(type)``` | Thread size | +| ```leadnut_flange_dia(type)``` | Flange diameter | +| ```leadnut_flange_offset(type)``` | Offset of the flange from the top | +| ```leadnut_flange_t(type)``` | Flange thickness | +| ```leadnut_height(type)``` | Total height | +| ```leadnut_hole_dia(type)``` | The diameter of the screw holes | +| ```leadnut_hole_pitch(type)``` | The radia pitch of the screw holes | +| ```leadnut_holes(type)``` | The number of screw holes | +| ```leadnut_od(type)``` | Outer diameter of the shank | +| ```leadnut_screw(type)``` | The type of the fixing screws | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```leadnut_shank(type)``` | The length of the shank below the flange | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```leadnut(type)``` | Draw specified leadnut | +| ```leadnut_screw_positions(type)``` | Position children at the screw holes | + +![leadnuts](tests/png/leadnuts.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```leadnut(LSN8x2)``` | Leadscrew nut 8 x 2 | +| 1 | ```leadnut(LSN8x8)``` | Leadscrew nut 8 x 8 RobotDigg | + + +Top + +--- + +## Leds +Standard domed through hole LEDs. Can specify colour and lead length. + + +[vitamins/leds.scad](vitamins/leds.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/led.scad](vitamins/led.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/leds.scad](tests/leds.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```led_diameter(type)``` | Body diameter | +| ```led_height(type)``` | Body height | +| ```led_lead_t(type)``` | Lead thickness | +| ```led_pitch(type)``` | Lead pitch | +| ```led_rim_dia(type)``` | Rim diameter | +| ```led_rim_t(type)``` | Rim height | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```led_hole_radius(type)``` | Radius of panel hole to accept LED | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```led(type, colour = "red", lead = 5)``` | Draw specified LED with desired colour and led length | + +![leds](tests/png/leds.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```led(LED10mm)``` | LED 10 mm red | +| 1 | ```led(LED3mm, "green")``` | LED 3 mm green | +| 1 | ```led(LED5mm, "blue")``` | LED 5 mm blue | + + +Top + +--- + +## Light_strips +LED strip lights that can be cut to size. + +The definitions are for the full length but they can be cut to size by specifying how many segments, +which can by calcuated using ```light_strip_segments(type, max_length)```. + +The `light_strip_clip()` module makes a clip to go around the light that can be incorporated into a printed bracket to hold it. + + +[vitamins/light_strips.scad](vitamins/light_strips.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/light_strip.scad](vitamins/light_strip.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/light_strips.scad](tests/light_strips.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```light_strip_aperture(type)``` | Inside width | +| ```light_strip_depth(type)``` | Outside depth | +| ```light_strip_grouped(type)``` | Number of LEDs in each group | +| ```light_strip_leds(type)``` | Total number of LEDs | +| ```light_strip_length(type)``` | Un-cut length | +| ```light_strip_pcb_thickness(type)``` | PCB thickness | +| ```light_strip_thickness(type)``` | Metal thickness | +| ```light_strip_width(type)``` | Outside width | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```light_strip_clip_depth(light)``` | Depth of the clip | +| ```light_strip_clip_length(light)``` | Outside length | +| ```light_strip_clip_slot(light)``` | Clip slot size | +| ```light_strip_clip_width(light)``` | Outside width | +| ```light_strip_cut_length(type, segs)``` | Calculate cut length given segments | +| ```light_strip_segments(type, max_length)``` | Calculate the maximum number of segments that fit in max_length | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```light_strip(type, segs = undef)``` | Draw specified light strip, segs can be used to limit the length | +| ```light_strip_clip(light)``` | Make a clip to go over the strip to be incorporated into a bracket | + +![light_strips](tests/png/light_strips.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```light_strip(Rigid5050, 6)``` | Light strip rigid SMD5050 low profile x 250mm (6 segments) | +| 1 | ```light_strip(RIGID5050, 6)``` | Light strip rigid SMD5050 x 250mm (6 segments) | + + +Top + +--- + +## Linear_bearings +LMnUU linear bearings. + + +[vitamins/linear_bearings.scad](vitamins/linear_bearings.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/linear_bearing.scad](vitamins/linear_bearing.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/linear_bearings.scad](tests/linear_bearings.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```bearing_dia(type)``` | Outside diameter | +| ```bearing_length(type)``` | Total length | +| ```bearing_rod_dia(type)``` | Internal diameter | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```bearing_radius(type)``` | Outside radius | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```linear_bearing(type)``` | Draw specified linear bearing | + +![linear_bearings](tests/png/linear_bearings.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```linear_bearing(LM10UU)``` | Linear bearing LM10UU | +| 1 | ```linear_bearing(LM12UU)``` | Linear bearing LM12UU | +| 1 | ```linear_bearing(LM3UU)``` | Linear bearing LM3UU | +| 1 | ```linear_bearing(LM4UU)``` | Linear bearing LM4UU | +| 1 | ```linear_bearing(LM5UU)``` | Linear bearing LM5UU | +| 1 | ```linear_bearing(LM6UU)``` | Linear bearing LM6UU | +| 1 | ```linear_bearing(LM8UU)``` | Linear bearing LM8UU | + + +Top + +--- + +## Mains_sockets +UK 13A sockets at the moment. + + +[vitamins/mains_sockets.scad](vitamins/mains_sockets.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/mains_socket.scad](vitamins/mains_socket.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/mains_sockets.scad](tests/mains_sockets.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```mains_socket_corner(type)``` | Corner radius | +| ```mains_socket_depth(type)``` | Depth at the base | +| ```mains_socket_height(type)``` | Height | +| ```mains_socket_offset(type)``` | Offset of the socket from the centre | +| ```mains_socket_pitch(type)``` | Screw hole pitch | +| ```mains_socket_t(type)``` | Plastic thickness | +| ```mains_socket_top_d(type)``` | Depth at the top, might be tapered | +| ```mains_socket_top_w(type)``` | Width at the top, might be tapered | +| ```mains_socket_width(type)``` | Width at the base | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```mains_socket_screw(type)``` | Screw type | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```mains_socket(type)``` | Draw specified 13A socket | +| ```mains_socket_earth_position(type)``` | Position of earth terminal for DiBond panel | +| ```mains_socket_hole_positions(type)``` | Position children at the screw holes | +| ```mains_socket_holes(type, h = 0)``` | Panel cutout | + +![mains_sockets](tests/png/mains_sockets.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```mains_socket(Contactum)``` | Mains socket 13A | +| 1 | ```mains_socket(MKLOGIC)``` | Mains socket 13A, switched | + + +Top + +--- + +## Meter +LED volt meter modules available from China and a printed bezel that allows them to be mounted into a +CNC cut panel. The meter is held in the bezel by melting the stakes with a soldering iron set to 200°C. The +bezel is fixed in the panel with hot glue. + +Needs 7 segment font from to look realistic. + + +[vitamins/meter.scad](vitamins/meter.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/meter.scad](tests/meter.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```meter_height(type = led_meter)``` | Height of body excluding PCB | +| ```meter_hole_pitch(type = led_meter)``` | Lug hole pitch | +| ```meter_hole_radius(type = led_meter)``` | Lug hole radius | +| ```meter_length(type = led_meter)``` | Length of body | +| ```meter_lug_length(type = led_meter)``` | PCB length including lugs | +| ```meter_lug_width(type = led_meter)``` | Lug width | +| ```meter_pcb_length(type = led_meter)``` | PCB length excluding lugs | +| ```meter_pcb_thickness(type = led_meter)``` | PCB thickness | +| ```meter_pcb_width(type = led_meter)``` | PCB width | +| ```meter_width(type = led_meter)``` | Width of body | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```meter()``` | Default meter type | +| ```meter_bezel_length(type = led_meter)``` | Printed bezel length | +| ```meter_bezel_rad(type = led_meter)``` | Printed bezel corner radius | +| ```meter_bezel_wall(type = led_meter)``` | Printed bezel wall thickness | +| ```meter_bezel_width(type = led_meter)``` | Printed bezel width | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```meter(type = led_meter, colour = "red", value = "888", display_colour = false)``` | Draw a meter with optional colour and display value | +| ```meter_assembly(type = led_meter, colour = "red", value = "888", display_colour = false)``` | Meter assembled into the bezel | +| ```meter_bezel(type = led_meter)``` | Generate the STL for the meter bezel | +| ```meter_bezel_hole(type = led_meter, h = 100)``` | Make a hole to fit the meter Bezel | +| ```meter_hole_positions(type = led_meter)``` | Position children over the holes | + +![meter](tests/png/meter.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```meter(led_meter, colour = "blue")``` | LED meter blue | +| 2 | ```meter(led_meter)``` | LED meter red | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 2 | meter_bezel.stl | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Microswitches +Used for limit switches. + + +[vitamins/microswitches.scad](vitamins/microswitches.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/microswitch.scad](vitamins/microswitch.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/microswitches.scad](tests/microswitches.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```microswitch_body_clr(type)``` | Body colour | +| ```microswitch_button_clr(type)``` | Button colour | +| ```microswitch_button_pos(type)``` | Button position | +| ```microswitch_button_t(type)``` | Button thickness | +| ```microswitch_button_w(type)``` | Button width | +| ```microswitch_hole_d(type)``` | Screw hole diameter | +| ```microswitch_holes(type)``` | Hole positions | +| ```microswitch_leg(type)``` | Leg types | +| ```microswitch_legs(type)``` | Leg positions | +| ```microswitch_length(type)``` | Body length | +| ```microswitch_radius(type)``` | Body corner radius | +| ```microswitch_thickness(type)``` | Body thickness | +| ```microswitch_width(type)``` | Body width | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```microswitch_lower_extent(type)``` | How far legs extend downwards | +| ```microswitch_right_extent(type)``` | How far legs extend right | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```microswitch(type)``` | Draw specified microswitch | +| ```microswitch_hole_positions(type)``` | Place children at the hole positions | +| ```microswitch_wire_positions(type, skip = undef)``` | Place children at the leg hole positions | + +![microswitches](tests/png/microswitches.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```microswitch(small_microswitch)``` | Microswitch DM1-00P-110-3 | +| 1 | ```microswitch(medium_microswitch)``` | Microswitch SS-01 or SS-5GL | +| 1 | ```microswitch(large_microswitch)``` | Microswitch Saia G3 low force | + + +Top + +--- + +## Microview +Microview OLED display with on board AVR by geekammo / Sparkfun. + +```microview()``` generates the model. ```microview(true)``` makes an object to cut out a panel aperture for it. + +Uses STL files copyright geekammo and licenced with MIT license, see [microview/LICENSE.txt](vitamins/microview/LICENSE.txt). + + +[vitamins/microview.scad](vitamins/microview.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/microview.scad](tests/microview.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```microview(cutout = false)``` | Draw microview or generate a panel cutout for it | + +![microview](tests/png/microview.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```microview()``` | Microview OLED display | + + +Top + +--- + +## Modules +Random screw down modules. Currently just DROK buck converters. + + +[vitamins/modules.scad](vitamins/modules.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/module.scad](vitamins/module.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/modules.scad](tests/modules.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```mod_height(type)``` | Body height | +| ```mod_hole_r(type)``` | Screw hole radius | +| ```mod_holes(type)``` | Screw hole positions | +| ```mod_length(type)``` | Body length | +| ```mod_part(type)``` | Description | +| ```mod_screw(type)``` | Screw type | +| ```mod_screw_z(type)``` | Thickness of screw lug | +| ```mod_width(type)``` | Body width | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```mod(type)``` | Draw specified module | +| ```mod_screw_positions(type)``` | Position children at the screw positions | +| ```module_assembly(type, thickness)``` | Module with its fasteners in place | + +![modules](tests/png/modules.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```mod(drok_buck)``` | Drok buck converter | +| 2 | ```nut(M4_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M4 nyloc | +| 2 | ```screw(M4_dome_screw, 12)``` | Screw M4 dome x 12mm | +| 4 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Nuts +Default is steel but can be drawn as brass or nylon. A utility for making nut traps included. + +If a nut is given a child then it gets placed on its top surface. + + +[vitamins/nuts.scad](vitamins/nuts.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/nut.scad](vitamins/nut.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/nuts.scad](tests/nuts.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```nut_radius(type)``` | Radius across the corners | +| ```nut_size(type)``` | Diameter of the corresponding screw | +| ```nut_trap_depth(type)``` | Depth of nut trap | +| ```nut_washer(type)``` | Corresponding washer | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```nut_flat_radius(type)``` | Radius across the flats | +| ```nut_thickness(type, nyloc = false)``` | Thickness of plain or nyloc version | +| ```nut_trap_flat_radius(nut, horizontal = false)``` | Radius across the flats of a nut trap | +| ```nut_trap_radius(nut, horizontal = false)``` | Radius across the corners of a nut trap | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```nut(type, nyloc = false, brass = false, nylon = false)``` | Draw specified nut | +| ```nut_and_washer(type, nyloc)``` | Draw nut with corresponding washer | +| ```nut_trap(screw, nut, depth = 0, horizontal = false, supported = false, h = 200)``` | Make a nut trap | +| ```wingnut(type)``` | Draw a wingnut | + +![nuts](tests/png/nuts.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```nut(M2_nut)``` | Nut M2 | +| 1 | ```nut(M2_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M2 nyloc | +| 1 | ```nut(M2p5_nut)``` | Nut M2.5 | +| 1 | ```nut(M2p5_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M2.5 nyloc | +| 1 | ```nut(M2p5_nut, nylon = true)``` | Nut M2.5 nylon | +| 1 | ```nut(M3_nut)``` | Nut M3 | +| 1 | ```nut(M3_nut, brass = true)``` | Nut M3 brass | +| 1 | ```nut(M3_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M3 nyloc | +| 1 | ```nut(M4_nut)``` | Nut M4 | +| 1 | ```nut(M4_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M4 nyloc | +| 1 | ```nut(M5_nut)``` | Nut M5 | +| 1 | ```nut(M5_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M5 nyloc | +| 1 | ```nut(M6_nut)``` | Nut M6 | +| 1 | ```nut(M6_half_nut)``` | Nut M6 | +| 1 | ```nut(M6_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M6 nyloc | +| 1 | ```nut(M8_nut)``` | Nut M8 | +| 1 | ```nut(M8_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M8 nyloc | +| 1 | ```washer(M6_washer)``` | Washer M6 x 12.5mm x 1.5mm | +| 1 | ```wingnut(M4_wingnut)``` | Wingnut M4 | + + +Top + +--- + +## Opengrab +Nicodrone OpenGrab V3 electro-permananet magnet, see . + +A permanent magnet that can be magnatized and de-magnatized electronically. + + +[vitamins/opengrab.scad](vitamins/opengrab.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/opengrab.scad](tests/opengrab.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```opengrab_depth()``` | Module height | +| ```opengrab_target_thickness()``` | Target sheet thickness | +| ```opengrab_width()``` | Module width | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```opengrab()``` | Draw OpenGrab module | +| ```opengrab_hole_positions()``` | Position children at the screw positions | +| ```opengrab_target()``` | Draw OpenGrab target | + +![opengrab](tests/png/opengrab.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```opengrab_target()``` | OpenGrab silicon steel target plate | +| 1 | ```opengrab()``` | OpenGrab V3 electro permanent magnet | + + +Top + +--- + +## O_ring +Nitrile rubber O-rings. + +Just a black torus specified by internal diameter, ```id``` and ```minor_d``` plus a BOM entry. +Can be shown stretched by specifying the ```actual_id```. + + +[vitamins/o_ring.scad](vitamins/o_ring.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/o_ring.scad](tests/o_ring.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```O_ring(id, minor_d, actual_id = 0)``` | Draw O-ring with specified internal diameter and minor diameter. ```actual_id``` can be used to stretch it around something. | + +![o_ring](tests/png/o_ring.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```O_ring(2.5, 1.6)``` | O-ring nitrile 2.5mm x 1.6mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Pcbs +PCBs and perfboard with optional components. The shape can be a rectangle with optionally rounded corners or a polygon for odd shapes like Arduino. + + +[vitamins/pcbs.scad](vitamins/pcbs.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/pcb.scad](vitamins/pcb.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/pcbs.scad](tests/pcbs.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```hdr_base_colour(type)``` | Header insulator colour | +| ```hdr_pin_below(type)``` | Header pin length underneath | +| ```hdr_pin_colour(type)``` | Header pin colour | +| ```hdr_pin_length(type)``` | Header pin length | +| ```hdr_pin_width(type)``` | Header pin size | +| ```hdr_pitch(type)``` | Header pitch | +| ```hdr_socket_depth(type)``` | Socket depth for female housing | +| ```pcb_accessories(type)``` | List of accessories to go on the BOM, SD cards, USB cables, etc. | +| ```pcb_colour(type)``` | Colour of the subtrate | +| ```pcb_components(type)``` | List of components | +| ```pcb_grid(type)``` | Grid if a perfboard | +| ```pcb_hole_d(type)``` | Mounting hole diameter | +| ```pcb_holes(type)``` | List of hole positions | +| ```pcb_land_d(type)``` | Pad around mounting hole | +| ```pcb_length(type)``` | Length | +| ```pcb_name(type)``` | Description | +| ```pcb_parts_on_bom(type)``` | True if the parts should be separate BOM items | +| ```pcb_polygon(type)``` | Optional outline polygon for odd shaped boards | +| ```pcb_radius(type)``` | Corner radius | +| ```pcb_thickness(type)``` | Thickness | +| ```pcb_width(type)``` | Width | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```pcb_coord(type, p)``` | Convert offsets from the edge to coordinates relative to the centre | +| ```pcb_screw(type, cap = hs_cap)``` | Mounting screw type | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```barrel_jack(cutout = false)``` | Draw barrel power jack | +| ```chip(length, width, thickness, cutout = false)``` | Draw a black cube to represent a chip | +| ```flex(cutout = false)``` | Draw flexistrip connector | +| ```hdmi(cutout = false)``` | Draw HDMI socket | +| ```idc_transition(type, cols = 5, skip = [], cutout = false)``` | Draw IDC transition header | +| ```jack(cutout = false)``` | Draw 3.5mm jack | +| ```molex_254(ways)``` | Draw molex header | +| ```pcb(type)``` | Draw specified PCB | +| ```pcb_assembly(type, height, thickness)``` | Draw PCB assembly with spaces and fasteners in place | +| ```pcb_base(type, height, thickness, wall = 2)``` | Generate STL for a base with PCB spacers | +| ```pcb_component(comp, cutouts = false, angle = undef)``` | Draw pcb component from description | +| ```pcb_components(type, cutouts = false, angle = undef)``` | Draw list of PCB components on the PCB | +| ```pcb_cutouts(type, angle = undef)``` | Make cut outs to clear components on a PCB | +| ```pcb_grid(type, x, y, z = 0)``` | Positions children at specified grid positions | +| ```pcb_screw_positions(type)``` | Positions children at the mounting hole positions | +| ```pcb_spacer(screw, height, wall = 1.8)``` | Generate STL for PCB spacer | +| ```pin(type = 2p54header, length = undef)``` | Draw a header pin | +| ```pin_header(type = 2p54header, cols = 1, rows = 1, smt = false, cutout = false)``` | Draw pin header | +| ```pin_socket(type = 2p54header, cols = 1, rows = 1, right_angle = false, height = 0, cutout = false)``` | Draw pin socket | +| ```rj45(cutout = false)``` | Draw RJ45 Ethernet connector | +| ```terminal_254(ways, skip = [])``` | Draw 0.1" terminal block | +| ```terminal_35(ways)``` | Draw 3.5mm terminal block | +| ```usb_Ax2(cutout = false)``` | Draw USB type A dual socket | +| ```usb_B(cutout = false)``` | Draw USB B connector | +| ```usb_uA(cutout = false)``` | Draw USB micro A connector | + +![pcbs](tests/png/pcbs.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```pcb(ArduinoUno3)``` | Arduino Uno R3 | +| 1 | ```d_plug(DCONN15, pcb = true)``` | D-type 15 way PCB mount plug | +| 1 | ```pcb(DuetW)``` | Duet WiFi electronics | +| 1 | ```pcb(ExtruderPCB)``` | Extruder connection PCB | +| 1 | ```pcb(Keyes5p1)``` | Keyes5.1 Arduino Uno expansion board | +| 1 | ```pcb(Melzi)``` | Melzi electronics | +| 2 | | Micro SD card | +| 1 | ```molex_254(2)``` | Molex KK header 2 way | +| 1 | ```molex_254(3)``` | Molex KK header 3 way | +| 16 | ```nut(M2_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M2 nyloc | +| 12 | ```nut(M2p5_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M2.5 nyloc | +| 12 | ```nut(M3_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M3 nyloc | +| 4 | ```nut(M4_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M4 nyloc | +| 1 | ```pcb(PI_IO)``` | PI_IO V2 | +| 1 | ```pcb(PSU12V1A)``` | PSU 12V 1A | +| 1 | ```pcb(PERF60x40)``` | Perfboard 60 x 40mm | +| 1 | ```pcb(PERF70x30)``` | Perfboard 70 x 30mm | +| 1 | ```pcb(PERF70x50)``` | Perfboard 70 x 50mm | +| 1 | ```pcb(PERF74x51)``` | Perfboard 74 x 51mm | +| 1 | ```pcb(PERF80x20)``` | Perfboard 80 x 20mm | +| 1 | ```pin_socket(2p54header, 13, 2, right_angle = true)``` | Pin socket 13 x 2 right_angle | +| 1 | ```pcb(RPI3)``` | Raspberry Pi 3 | +| 12 | ```screw(M2_cap_screw, 20)``` | Screw M2 cap x 20mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M2_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M2 cap x 25mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M2p5_cap_screw, 16)``` | Screw M2.5 cap x 16mm | +| 8 | ```screw(M2p5_pan_screw, 20)``` | Screw M2.5 pan x 20mm | +| 8 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M3 cap x 25mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 30)``` | Screw M3 cap x 30mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M4_cap_screw, 30)``` | Screw M4 cap x 30mm | +| 3 | ```terminal_35(2)``` | Terminal block 2 way 3.5mm | +| 2 | ```terminal_254(4)``` | Terminal block 4 way 0.1" | +| 1 | | USB A to Mini B lead | +| 16 | ```washer(M2_washer)``` | Washer M2 x 5mm x 0.3mm | +| 12 | ```washer(M2p5_washer)``` | Washer M2.5 x 5.9mm x 0.5mm | +| 12 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 4 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 4 | pcb_spacer20100.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer20110.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer20120.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer20130.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer2560.stl | | +| 8 | pcb_spacer2570.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer2580.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer2590.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer30140.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer30150.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer30170.stl | | +| 4 | pcb_spacer40160.stl | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Pillars +Threaded pillars. Each end can be male or female. + + +[vitamins/pillars.scad](vitamins/pillars.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/pillar.scad](vitamins/pillar.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/pillars.scad](tests/pillars.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```pillar_bot_thread(type)``` | Bottom thread length, + for male, - for female | +| ```pillar_height(type)``` | Body height | +| ```pillar_i_colour(type)``` | Colour of the inner part | +| ```pillar_id(type)``` | Inner diameter of metal part | +| ```pillar_ifn(type)``` | Inner number of sides, 6 for hex, 0 for smooth cylinder | +| ```pillar_name(type)``` | Name of part | +| ```pillar_o_colour(type)``` | Colour of the outer part | +| ```pillar_od(type)``` | Outer diameter of body | +| ```pillar_ofn(type)``` | Outer number of sides, 6 for hex, 0 for smooth cylinder | +| ```pillar_thread(type)``` | Thread diameter | +| ```pillar_top_thread(type)``` | Top thread length, + for male, - for female | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```pillar(type)``` | Draw specified pillar | + +![pillars](tests/png/pillars.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```pillar(M3x13_hex_pillar)``` | Pillar hex M/F M3x13 | +| 1 | ```pillar(M3x20_hex_pillar)``` | Pillar hex M/F M3x20 | +| 1 | ```pillar(M2x16_brass_pillar)``` | Pillar nurled F/M M2x16 | +| 1 | ```pillar(M3x10_nylon_hex_pillar)``` | Pillar nylon M/F M3x10 | +| 1 | ```pillar(M3x20_nylon_pillar)``` | Pillar nylon M/F M3x20 | +| 1 | ```pillar(M3x20_nylon_hex_pillar)``` | Pillar nylon M/F M3x20 | +| 1 | ```pillar(M4x17_nylon_pillar)``` | Pillar nylon M/F M4x20 | + + +Top + +--- + +## Psus +Powersupplies. Can be a simple cube or can be defined by a list of six faces, each with thickness, holes, cutouts, etc. + +Face order is bottom, top, left, right, front, back. + + +[vitamins/psus.scad](vitamins/psus.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/psu.scad](vitamins/psu.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/psus.scad](tests/psus.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```atx_psu(type)``` | True if an ATX style PSU | +| ```psu_accessories(type)``` | Accessories to add to BOM, e.g. mains lead | +| ```psu_face_cutouts(type)``` | List of polygons to remove | +| ```psu_face_fan(type)``` | Fan x,y position and type | +| ```psu_face_grill(type)``` | Is this face a grill | +| ```psu_face_holes(type)``` | List of screw hole positions | +| ```psu_face_iec(type)``` | IEC connector x,y, rotation and type | +| ```psu_face_switch(type)``` | Rocker switch x,y, rotation and type | +| ```psu_face_thickness(type)``` | The thickness | +| ```psu_faces(type)``` | List of face descriptions | +| ```psu_height(type)``` | Height | +| ```psu_left_bay(type)``` | Bay for terminals | +| ```psu_length(type)``` | Length | +| ```psu_name(type)``` | The part name | +| ```psu_right_bay(type)``` | Bay for heatsink | +| ```psu_screw(type)``` | Screw type | +| ```psu_screw_hole_radius(type)``` | Clearance hole for screw, bigger than normal on ATX | +| ```psu_terminals(type)``` | How many terminals and the y offset from the back | +| ```psu_width(type)``` | Width | +| ```terminal_block_depth(type)``` | Total depth | +| ```terminal_block_depth2(type)``` | Depth of contact well | +| ```terminal_block_divider(type)``` | Width of the dividers | +| ```terminal_block_height(type)``` | Height of the dividers | +| ```terminal_block_height2(type)``` | Height under the contacts | +| ```terminal_block_pitch(type)``` | Pitch between screws | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```psu_face_transform(type, face)``` | Returns a transformation matrix to get to the specified face | +| ```terminal_block_length(type, ways)``` | Total length of terminal block | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```atx_psu_cutout(type)``` | Cut out for the rear of an ATX | +| ```psu(type)``` | Draw a power supply | +| ```psu_screw_positions(type, face = undef)``` | Position children at the screw positions on the preferred mounting face, which can be overridden. | +| ```terminal_block(type, ways)``` | Draw a power supply terminal block | + +![psus](tests/png/psus.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | | IEC mains lead | +| 1 | ```psu(ATX500)``` | PSU ATX500 | +| 1 | ```psu(KY240W)``` | PSU KY-240W-12-L | +| 1 | ```psu(PD_150_12)``` | PSU PD-150-12 | +| 1 | ```psu(S_250_48)``` | PSU S-250-48 | +| 1 | ```psu(S_300_12)``` | PSU S-300-12 | +| 4 | ```screw(No632_pan_screw, 8)``` | Screw 6-32 pan x 8mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 8)``` | Screw M3 cap x 8mm | +| 8 | ```screw(M3_pan_screw, 8)``` | Screw M3 pan x 8mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M4_cap_screw, 8)``` | Screw M4 cap x 8mm | +| 12 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 8 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Pulleys +Timing belt pulleys, both toothed and plain with internal bearings for idlers. + + +[vitamins/pulleys.scad](vitamins/pulleys.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/pulley.scad](vitamins/pulley.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/pulleys.scad](tests/pulleys.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```pulley_belt(type)``` | Belt type | +| ```pulley_bore(type)``` | Bore diameter for shaft | +| ```pulley_flange_dia(type)``` | Flange diameter | +| ```pulley_flange_thickness(type)``` | Flange thickness | +| ```pulley_hub_dia(type)``` | Hub diameter | +| ```pulley_hub_length(type)``` | Hub length | +| ```pulley_od(type)``` | Outer diameter | +| ```pulley_screw(type)``` | Grub screw type | +| ```pulley_screw_length(type)``` | Grup screw length | +| ```pulley_screw_z(type)``` | Grub screw position | +| ```pulley_screws(type)``` | Number of grub screws | +| ```pulley_teeth(type)``` | Number of teeth | +| ```pulley_type(type)``` | Part description | +| ```pulley_width(type)``` | Width of teeth / belt channel | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```pulley_extent(type)``` | Largest diameter | +| ```pulley_height(type)``` | Total height of pulley | +| ```pulley_ir(type)``` | Inside radius of the teeth | +| ```pulley_offset(type)``` | Offset of the belt path centre | +| ```pulley_pr(type)``` | Pitch radius | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```pulley(type)``` | Draw a pulley | +| ```pulley_assembly(type)``` | Draw a pulley with its grub screws in place | + +![pulleys](tests/png/pulleys.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```pulley(GT2x16_toothed_idler)``` | Pulley GT2 idler 16 teeth | +| 1 | ```pulley(GT2x20_toothed_idler)``` | Pulley GT2 idler 20 teeth | +| 1 | ```pulley(GT2x20_plain_idler)``` | Pulley GT2 idler smooth | +| 1 | ```pulley(GT2x16_plain_idler)``` | Pulley GT2 idler smooth | +| 1 | ```pulley(GT2x20ob_pulley)``` | Pulley GT2OB 20 teeth | +| 1 | ```pulley(GT2x12_pulley)``` | Pulley GT2RD 12 teeth | +| 1 | ```pulley(GT2x20um_pulley)``` | Pulley GT2UM 20 teeth | +| 1 | ```pulley(T2p5x16_pulley)``` | Pulley T2.5 16 teeth | +| 1 | ```pulley(T5x10_pulley)``` | Pulley T5 10 teeth | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_grub_screw, 3)``` | Screw M3 grub x 3mm | +| 2 | ```screw(M3_grub_screw, 4)``` | Screw M3 grub x 4mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_grub_screw, 6)``` | Screw M3 grub x 6mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_grub_screw, 6)``` | Screw M4 grub x 6mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Rails +Linear rails with carriages. + + +[vitamins/rails.scad](vitamins/rails.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/rail.scad](vitamins/rail.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/rails.scad](tests/rails.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```carriage_block_length(type)``` | Length of the metal part | +| ```carriage_clearance(type)``` | Gap under the carriage | +| ```carriage_height(type)``` | Height of carriage | +| ```carriage_length(type)``` | Overall length | +| ```carriage_pitch_x(type)``` | Screw hole x pitch | +| ```carriage_pitch_y(type)``` | Screw hole y pitch | +| ```carriage_screw(type)``` | Carriage screw type | +| ```carriage_width(type)``` | Width of carriage | +| ```rail_bore(type)``` | Counter bore diameter for screw head | +| ```rail_bore_depth(type)``` | Counter bore depth | +| ```rail_carriage(type)``` | Carriage type | +| ```rail_end(type)``` | Minimum distance screw can be from the end | +| ```rail_end_screw(type)``` | Screw used for ends only (Countersink used for better location) | +| ```rail_height(type)``` | Height of rail section | +| ```rail_hole(type)``` | Screw hole diameter | +| ```rail_pitch(type)``` | Distance between screws | +| ```rail_screw(type)``` | Screw type | +| ```rail_width(type)``` | Width of rail section | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```carriage_screw_depth(type)``` | Carriage thread depth | +| ```rail_screw_height(type, screw)``` | Position screw taking into account countersink into counterbored hole | +| ```rail_travel(type, length)``` | How far the carriage can travel | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```carriage(type, rail)``` | Draw the specified carriage | +| ```carriage_hole_positions(type)``` | Position children over screw holes | +| ```rail(type, length)``` | Draw the specified rail | +| ```rail_assembly(type, length, pos)``` | Rail and carriage assembly | +| ```rail_hole_positions(type, length, first = 0, screws = 100, both_ends = true)``` | Position children over screw holes | +| ```rail_screws(type, length, thickness, screws = 100)``` | Place screws in the rail | + +![rails](tests/png/rails.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```rail(MGN15, 260)``` | Linear rail MGN15 x 260mm | +| 1 | ```rail(MGN5, 200)``` | Linear rail MGN5 x 200mm | +| 1 | ```rail(MGN7, 200)``` | Linear rail MGN7 x 200mm | +| 1 | ```rail(MGN9, 200)``` | Linear rail MGN9 x 200mm | +| 1 | ```rail(SSR15, 200)``` | Linear rail SSR15 x 200mm | +| 26 | ```nut(M2_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M2 nyloc | +| 17 | ```nut(M3_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M3 nyloc | +| 4 | ```nut(M4_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M4 nyloc | +| 11 | ```screw(M2_cap_screw, 10)``` | Screw M2 cap x 10mm | +| 15 | ```screw(M2_cs_cap_screw, 10)``` | Screw M2 cs cap x 10mm | +| 8 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 10)``` | Screw M3 cap x 10mm | +| 5 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 16)``` | Screw M3 cap x 16mm | +| 2 | ```screw(M3_cs_cap_screw, 12)``` | Screw M3 cs cap x 12mm | +| 2 | ```screw(M3_cs_cap_screw, 16)``` | Screw M3 cs cap x 16mm | +| 2 | ```screw(M4_cap_screw, 16)``` | Screw M4 cap x 16mm | +| 2 | ```screw(M4_cs_cap_screw, 20)``` | Screw M4 cs cap x 20mm | +| 26 | ```washer(M2_washer)``` | Washer M2 x 5mm x 0.3mm | +| 17 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 4 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Ring_terminals +Ring terminals and earth assemblies for DiBond panels. + + +[vitamins/ring_terminals.scad](vitamins/ring_terminals.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/ring_terminal.scad](vitamins/ring_terminal.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/ring_terminals.scad](tests/ring_terminals.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ringterm_hole(type)``` | Wire hole diameter | +| ```ringterm_id(type)``` | Inside diameter | +| ```ringterm_length(type)``` | Length of the tail including the ring | +| ```ringterm_od(type)``` | Outside diameter | +| ```ringterm_screw(type)``` | Screw type | +| ```ringterm_thickness(type)``` | Metal thickness | +| ```ringterm_width(type)``` | Width of the tail | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ringterm_extent(type)``` | Space to leave | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ring_terminal(type)``` | Draw specifeid ring terminal | +| ```ring_terminal_assembly(type, thickness, top = false)``` | Earthing assembly for DiBond twin skins | +| ```ring_terminal_hole(type, h = 0)``` | Drill hole for the screw | + +![ring_terminals](tests/png/ring_terminals.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```nut(M3_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M3 nyloc | +| 1 | ```ring_terminal(M3_ringterm)``` | Ring terminal 3mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 10)``` | Screw M3 dome x 10mm | +| 2 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Rockers +Rocket switch. Also used for neon indicator in the same form factor. + + +[vitamins/rockers.scad](vitamins/rockers.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/rocker.scad](vitamins/rocker.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/rockers.scad](tests/rockers.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```rocker_bezel(type)``` | Bezel width | +| ```rocker_button(type)``` | How far the button extends from the bezel | +| ```rocker_depth(type)``` | Body depth | +| ```rocker_flange_h(type)``` | Flange height | +| ```rocker_flange_t(type)``` | Flange thickness | +| ```rocker_flange_w(type)``` | Flange width | +| ```rocker_height(type)``` | Body height | +| ```rocker_part(type)``` | Part description | +| ```rocker_pivot(type)``` | Pivot distance from the back of the flange | +| ```rocker_slot_h(type)``` | Panel slow height | +| ```rocker_slot_w(type)``` | Panel slot width | +| ```rocker_spades(type)``` | Spade types and positions | +| ```rocker_width(type)``` | Body width | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```rocker(type)``` | Draw the specified rocker switch | +| ```rocker_hole(type, h = 0)``` | Make a hole to accept a rocker switch, by default 2D, set h for 3D | + +![rockers](tests/png/rockers.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```rocker(neon_indicator)``` | Neon Indicator H8630FBNAL | +| 1 | ```rocker(small_rocker)``` | Rocker Switch PRASA1-16F-BB0BW | + + +Top + +--- + +## Rod +Steel rods, with optional chamfer. + + +[vitamins/rod.scad](vitamins/rod.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/rod.scad](tests/rod.scad) Code for this example. + +![rod](tests/png/rod.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```rod(10, 80)``` | Smooth rod 10mm x 80mm | +| 1 | ```rod(12, 80)``` | Smooth rod 12mm x 80mm | +| 1 | ```rod(3, 80)``` | Smooth rod 3mm x 80mm | +| 1 | ```rod(4, 80)``` | Smooth rod 4mm x 80mm | +| 1 | ```rod(5, 80)``` | Smooth rod 5mm x 80mm | +| 1 | ```rod(6, 80)``` | Smooth rod 6mm x 80mm | +| 1 | ```rod(8, 80)``` | Smooth rod 8mm x 80mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Screws +Machine screws and wood screws with various head styles. + + +[vitamins/screws.scad](vitamins/screws.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/screw.scad](vitamins/screw.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/screws.scad](tests/screws.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```screw_clearance_radius(type)``` | Clearance hole radius | +| ```screw_head_height(type)``` | Head height | +| ```screw_head_radius(type)``` | Head radius | +| ```screw_head_type(type)``` | Head style hs_cap, hs_pan, hs_cs, hs_hex, hs_grub, hs_cs_cap, hs_dome | +| ```screw_max_thread(type)``` | Maximum thread length | +| ```screw_nut(type)``` | Default nut | +| ```screw_pilot_hole(type)``` | Pilot hole radius for wood screws, tap radius for machine screws | +| ```screw_radius(type)``` | Nominal radius | +| ```screw_socket_af(type)``` | Socket across flats | +| ```screw_socket_depth(type)``` | Socket or slot depth | +| ```screw_washer(type)``` | Default washer | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```screw_boss_diameter(type)``` | Boss big enough for nut trap and washer | +| ```screw_head_depth(type, d)``` | How far a counter sink head will go into a straight hole diameter d | +| ```screw_longer_than(x)``` | Returns shortest screw length longer or equal to x | +| ```screw_nut_radius(type)``` | Radius of matching nut | +| ```screw_shorter_than(x)``` | Returns longest screw length shorter than or equal to x | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```screw(type, length, hob_point = 0, nylon = false)``` | Draw specified screw, optionally hobbed or nylon | +| ```screw_and_washer(type, length, star = false, penny = false)``` | Screw with a washer which can be standard or penny and an optional star washer on top | +| ```screw_countersink(type)``` | Countersink shape | + +![screws](tests/png/screws.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```screw(No632_pan_screw, 30)``` | Screw 6-32 pan x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M2_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M2 cap x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M2_cs_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M2 cs cap x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M2p5_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M2.5 cap x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M2p5_pan_screw, 30)``` | Screw M2.5 pan x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M3 cap x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_cs_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M3 cs cap x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 25)``` | Screw M3 dome x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_grub_screw, 6)``` | Screw M3 grub x 6mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_hex_screw, 30)``` | Screw M3 hex x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_low_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M3 low cap x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_pan_screw, 30)``` | Screw M3 pan x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M4 cap x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_cs_cap_screw, 25)``` | Screw M4 cs cap x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_dome_screw, 25)``` | Screw M4 dome x 25mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_grub_screw, 6)``` | Screw M4 grub x 6mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_hex_screw, 30)``` | Screw M4 hex x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_pan_screw, 30)``` | Screw M4 pan x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M5_cap_screw, 30)``` | Screw M5 cap x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M5_hex_screw, 30)``` | Screw M5 hex x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M5_pan_screw, 30)``` | Screw M5 pan x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M6_cap_screw, 30)``` | Screw M6 cap x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M6_hex_screw, 30)``` | Screw M6 hex x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M6_pan_screw, 30)``` | Screw M6 pan x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M8_cap_screw, 35)``` | Screw M8 cap x 35mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M8_hex_screw, 30)``` | Screw M8 hex x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(No2_screw, 30)``` | Screw No2 pan wood x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(No4_screw, 30)``` | Screw No4 pan wood x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(No6_cs_screw, 30)``` | Screw No6 cs wood x 30mm | +| 1 | ```screw(No6_screw, 30)``` | Screw No6 pan wood x 30mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Sealing_strip +Sealing strip from B&Q used to seal around the door of 3D printers. + + +[vitamins/sealing_strip.scad](vitamins/sealing_strip.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/sealing_strip.scad](tests/sealing_strip.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```sealing_strip(length)``` | Draw specified length of sealing strip | + +![sealing_strip](tests/png/sealing_strip.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```sealing_strip(100)``` | Sealing strip 10mm x 4mm x 100mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Sheets +Sheet materials. Rectangular with optional rounded corners. Negative radii make a chamfer. + +The "Soft" parameter can be used to determinesif the sheet material needs machine screws or wood screws, e.g.: + +* If soft, wood screws will be used, with a pilot hole. +* If not soft, either tapped holes or a clearance hole and nuts will be used to retain screws. + +The "Color" parameter is a quad-array: [R, G, B, Alpha], or can be a named color, see [OpenSCAD_User_Manual](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/The_OpenSCAD_Language#color). + +For speed sheets should be modelled in 2D by subtracting holes from 2D templates made by ```sheet_2D()``` and then extruded to 3D with ```render_2D_sheet()```. +Note that modules that drill holes will return a 2D object if ```h``` is set to 0 to facilitate this. + + +[vitamins/sheets.scad](vitamins/sheets.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/sheet.scad](vitamins/sheet.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/sheets.scad](tests/sheets.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```sheet_colour(type)``` | Colour | +| ```sheet_is_soft(type)``` | Is soft enough for wood screws | +| ```sheet_thickness(type)``` | Thickness | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```render_2D_sheet(type, color = false)``` | Extrude a 2D sheet template and give it the correct colour | +| ```render_sheet(type, color = false)``` | Render a sheet in the correct colour after holes have been subtracted | +| ```sheet(type, w, d, corners = [0, 0, 0, 0])``` | Draw speified sheet | +| ```sheet_2D(type, w, d, corners = [0, 0, 0, 0])``` | 2D sheet template with specified size and optionally rounded corners | + +![sheets](tests/png/sheets.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```sheet(FoilTape, 30, 30, 2)``` | Aluminium foil tape 30mm x 30mm x 0.05mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(AL6, 30, 30, 2)``` | Aluminium tooling plate 30mm x 30mm x 6mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(AL8, 30, 30, 2)``` | Aluminium tooling plate 30mm x 30mm x 8mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(Cardboard, 30, 30, 2)``` | Corrugated cardboard 30mm x 30mm x 5mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(Foam20, 30, 30, 2)``` | Foam sponge 30mm x 30mm x 20mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(DiBond, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet DiBond 30mm x 30mm x 3mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(DiBond6, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet DiBond 30mm x 30mm x 6mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(MDF10, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet MDF 30mm x 30mm x 10mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(MDF12, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet MDF 30mm x 30mm x 12mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(MDF19, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet MDF 30mm x 30mm x 19mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(MDF6, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet MDF 30mm x 30mm x 6mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(PMMA10, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet acrylic 30mm x 30mm x 10mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(PMMA3, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet acrylic 30mm x 30mm x 3mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(PMMA6, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet acrylic 30mm x 30mm x 6mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(PMMA8, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet acrylic 30mm x 30mm x 8mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(glass2, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet glass 30mm x 30mm x 2mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(Steel06, 30, 30, 2)``` | Sheet mild steel 30mm x 30mm x 0.6mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Spades +Spade terminals used as parts of electrical components. + + +[vitamins/spades.scad](vitamins/spades.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/spade.scad](vitamins/spade.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/spades.scad](tests/spades.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```spade_hole(type)``` | Hole diameter | +| ```spade_l(type)``` | Length of the narrow part | +| ```spade_shank(type)``` | Shank width | +| ```spade_t(type)``` | Thickness | +| ```spade_w(type)``` | Width | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```spade(type, height = 14)``` | Draw a spade of the specified type and total length. The shank length is adjusted to make the length. | + +![spades](tests/png/spades.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Spools +Filament spool models + + +[vitamins/spools.scad](vitamins/spools.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/spool.scad](vitamins/spool.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/spools.scad](tests/spools.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```spool_depth(type)``` | Internal depth | +| ```spool_diameter(type)``` | Outside diameter | +| ```spool_hub_bore(type)``` | Bore through the hub | +| ```spool_hub_diameter(type)``` | Diameter of the thicker hub | +| ```spool_hub_taper(type)``` | Diameter at which it tapers down to rim thickness | +| ```spool_hub_thickness(type)``` | Thickness at the hub | +| ```spool_rim_thickness(type)``` | Thickness at the outside rim | +| ```spool_width(type)``` | Internal width | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```spool_height(type)``` | Outside width | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```spool(type)``` | Draw specified spool | + +![spools](tests/png/spools.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```spool(spool_200x55)``` | Filament spool 200 x 55 | +| 1 | ```spool(spool_300x85)``` | Filament spool 300 x 85 | + + +Top + +--- + +## Springs +Compression springs. Can be tapered, have open, closed or ground ends. Ground ends will render a lot slower. + + +[vitamins/springs.scad](vitamins/springs.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/spring.scad](vitamins/spring.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/springs.scad](tests/springs.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```spring_closed(type)``` | Are the ends closed | +| ```spring_colour(type)``` | The colour | +| ```spring_gauge(type)``` | Wire gauge | +| ```spring_ground(type)``` | Are the ends ground flat | +| ```spring_length(type)``` | Uncompressed length | +| ```spring_mesh(type)``` | Optional pre-computed mesh | +| ```spring_od(type)``` | Outside diameter | +| ```spring_od2(type)``` | Second diameter for spiral springs | +| ```spring_turns(type)``` | Number of turns | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```comp_spring(type, l = 0)``` | Calculate the mesh for spring | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```comp_spring(type, l = 0)``` | Draw specified spring, l can be set to specify the compressed length. | + +![springs](tests/png/springs.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```comp_spring(batt_spring)``` | Spring 5 - 6mm spiral OD, 0.5mm gauge x 8mm long, closed end | +| 1 | ```comp_spring(peg_spring)``` | Spring 6.4mm OD, 0.9mm gauge x 15.5mm long, closed end | + + +Top + +--- + +## Ssrs +Solid state relays. + + +[vitamins/ssrs.scad](vitamins/ssrs.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/ssr.scad](vitamins/ssr.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/ssrs.scad](tests/ssrs.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ssr_base_t(type)``` | Thickness of metal base | +| ```ssr_height(type)``` | Height | +| ```ssr_hole_d(type)``` | Screw hole diameter | +| ```ssr_hole_pitch(type)``` | Difference between screw centres | +| ```ssr_length(type)``` | Length | +| ```ssr_part(type)``` | Description | +| ```ssr_slot_w(type)``` | Width of the screw slot in the body | +| ```ssr_width(type)``` | Width | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ssr(type)``` | Draw specified SSR | +| ```ssr_assembly(type, screw, thickness)``` | Assembly with fasteners in place | +| ```ssr_hole_positions(type)``` | Place children at the screw positions | + +![ssrs](tests/png/ssrs.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 4 | ```nut(M4_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M4 nyloc | +| 4 | ```screw(M4_cap_screw, 16)``` | Screw M4 cap x 16mm | +| 1 | ```ssr(SSR25DA)``` | Solid state relay Fotek 25A | +| 1 | ```ssr(SSR10DA)``` | Solid state relay Robodigg 10A | +| 8 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Stepper_motors +NEMA stepper motor model. + + +[vitamins/stepper_motors.scad](vitamins/stepper_motors.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/stepper_motor.scad](vitamins/stepper_motor.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/stepper_motors.scad](tests/stepper_motors.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```NEMA_body_radius(type)``` | Body radius | +| ```NEMA_boss_height(type)``` | Boss height | +| ```NEMA_boss_radius(type)``` | Boss around the spindle radius | +| ```NEMA_hole_pitch(type)``` | Screw hole pitch | +| ```NEMA_length(type)``` | Body length | +| ```NEMA_radius(type)``` | End cap radius | +| ```NEMA_shaft_dia(type)``` | Shaft diameter | +| ```NEMA_shaft_length(type)``` | Shaft length above the face | +| ```NEMA_width(type)``` | Width of the square face | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```NEMA_big_hole(type)``` | Clearance hole for the big boss | +| ```NEMA_holes(type)``` | Screw positions for for loop | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```NEMA(type)``` | Draw specified NEMA stepper motor | +| ```NEMA_outline(type)``` | 2D outline | +| ```NEMA_screw_positions(type, n = 4)``` | Positions children at the screw holes | +| ```NEMA_screws(type, screw, n = 4, screw_length = 8, earth = undef)``` | Place screws and optional earth tag | + +![stepper_motors](tests/png/stepper_motors.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 24 | ```screw(M3_pan_screw, 8)``` | Screw M3 pan x 8mm | +| 1 | ```NEMA(NEMA14)``` | Stepper motor NEMA14 x 36mm | +| 1 | ```NEMA(NEMA16)``` | Stepper motor NEMA16 x 19.2mm | +| 1 | ```NEMA(NEMA17S)``` | Stepper motor NEMA17 x 34mm | +| 1 | ```NEMA(NEMA17M)``` | Stepper motor NEMA17 x 40mm | +| 1 | ```NEMA(NEMA17)``` | Stepper motor NEMA17 x 47mm | +| 1 | ```NEMA(NEMA23)``` | Stepper motor NEMA22 x 51.2mm | +| 24 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 24 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Toggles +Toggle switches + + +[vitamins/toggles.scad](vitamins/toggles.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/toggle.scad](vitamins/toggle.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/toggles.scad](tests/toggles.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```toggle_angle(type)``` | Angle of the paddle | +| ```toggle_collar_d(type)``` | Collar diameter | +| ```toggle_collar_t(type)``` | Collar thickness | +| ```toggle_colour(type)``` | Body colour | +| ```toggle_depth(type)``` | Body depth | +| ```toggle_height(type)``` | Body height | +| ```toggle_id(type)``` | Barrel inside diameter | +| ```toggle_inset(type)``` | How far the metal is inset into the body | +| ```toggle_nut(type)``` | Nut type | +| ```toggle_od(type)``` | Barrel outside diameter | +| ```toggle_paddle_d1(type)``` | Diameter at the top of the paddle | +| ```toggle_paddle_l(type)``` | Length of the paddle | +| ```toggle_paddle_w(type)``` | Width at the top for non-spherical end | +| ```toggle_part(type)``` | Part description | +| ```toggle_pin_hp(type)``` | Pin x pitch | +| ```toggle_pin_l(type)``` | Pin length | +| ```toggle_pin_t(type)``` | Pin thickness | +| ```toggle_pin_vp(type)``` | Pin y pitch | +| ```toggle_pin_w(type)``` | Pin width | +| ```toggle_pins(type)``` | Number of pins | +| ```toggle_pivot(type)``` | Z offset of the pivot point above the top of the body | +| ```toggle_thickness(type)``` | Metal thickness | +| ```toggle_thread(type)``` | Length of threaded barrel | +| ```toggle_washer(type)``` | Washer type | +| ```toggle_width(type)``` | Body width | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```toggle_hole_radius(type)``` | Radius of the panel hole | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```toggle(type, thickness)``` | Draw specified toggle switch with the nuts and washers positioned for the specified panel thickness | +| ```toggle_hole(type, h = 100)``` | Drill the hole in a panel | + +![toggles](tests/png/toggles.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```toggle(AP5236, 3)``` | Toggle switch AP5236 | +| 1 | ```toggle(CK7101, 3)``` | Toggle switch CK7101 | +| 1 | ```toggle(CK7105, 3)``` | Toggle switch CK7101 | +| 1 | ```toggle(MS332F, 3)``` | Toggle switch MS332F | + + +Top + +--- + +## Transformers +Iron core transformers. The grey shaded area is the keep out region where the terminals are. + + +[vitamins/transformers.scad](vitamins/transformers.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/transformer.scad](vitamins/transformer.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/transformers.scad](tests/transformers.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```tx_bobbin_height(type)``` | Bobbin height | +| ```tx_bobbin_offset(type)``` | Vertical offset of the bobbin from the centre of the laminations | +| ```tx_bobbin_radius(type)``` | Bobbin corner radius | +| ```tx_bobbin_width(type)``` | Bobbin width | +| ```tx_depth(type)``` | Bounding depth of the bobbin | +| ```tx_foot_depth(type)``` | Depth of the foot | +| ```tx_foot_thickness(type)``` | Thickness of the foot | +| ```tx_foot_width(type)``` | Width of the foot | +| ```tx_height(type)``` | Bounding height of the transformer | +| ```tx_lamination_depth(type)``` | Lamination depth | +| ```tx_lamination_height(type)``` | Lamination height | +| ```tx_part(type)``` | Part description | +| ```tx_screw(type)``` | Screw type | +| ```tx_width(type)``` | Bounding width of the core | +| ```tx_x_pitch(type)``` | Screw hole x pitch | +| ```tx_y_pitch(type)``` | Screw hole y pitch when four screws | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```transformer(type)``` | Draw specified transformer | +| ```transformer_hole_positions(type)``` | Position children at the mounting hole positions | + +![transformers](tests/png/transformers.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```transformer(CCM300)``` | Transformer Carroll & Meynell CCM300/230 isolation | +| 1 | ```transformer(SMALLTX)``` | Transformer Small mains | + + +Top + +--- + +## Tubings +Tubing and sleeving. The internal diameter can be forced to stretch it over something. + + +[vitamins/tubings.scad](vitamins/tubings.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/tubing.scad](vitamins/tubing.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/tubings.scad](tests/tubings.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```tubing_colour(type)``` | Colour | +| ```tubing_id(type)``` | Inside diameter | +| ```tubing_material(type)``` | Material description | +| ```tubing_od(type)``` | Outside diameter | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```tubing(type, length = 15, forced_id = 0)``` | Draw specified tubing with optional forced internal diameter | + +![tubings](tests/png/tubings.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```tubing(HSHRNK16)``` | Heatshrink sleeving ID 1.6mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```tubing(HSHRNK100)``` | Heatshrink sleeving ID 10mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```tubing(HSHRNK24)``` | Heatshrink sleeving ID 2.4mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```tubing(HSHRNK64)``` | Heatshrink sleeving ID 6.4mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```tubing(NEOP85)``` | Neoprene tubing OD 8mm ID 5mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```tubing(PTFE07)``` | PTFE sleeving OD 1.2mm ID 0.71mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```tubing(PTFE20)``` | PTFE sleeving OD 2.6mm ID 2mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```tubing(PF7)``` | PTFE tubing OD 4.6mm ID 3.84mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```tubing(PVC64)``` | PVC aquarium tubing OD 6mm ID 4mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```tubing(PVC85)``` | PVC aquarium tubing OD 8mm ID 5mm x 15mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Variacs +Variable auto transformers. + + +[vitamins/variacs.scad](vitamins/variacs.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/variac.scad](vitamins/variac.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/variacs.scad](tests/variacs.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```variac_bulge_dia(type)``` | Bulge to opposite edge | +| ```variac_bulge_width(type)``` | Width of the bulge | +| ```variac_dial_big_hole(type)``` | Central dial hole diameter | +| ```variac_dial_dia(type)``` | Dial diameter | +| ```variac_dial_hole_pitch(type)``` | Screw pitch for the dial | +| ```variac_dial_hole_r(type)``` | Dial screw hole radius | +| ```variac_dial_thickness(type)``` | Dial thickness | +| ```variac_diameter(type)``` | Body diameter | +| ```variac_height(type)``` | Body height | +| ```variac_screw(type)``` | Screw type | +| ```variac_screw_pitch(type)``` | Pitch of screws | +| ```variac_screws(type)``` | Number of screws | +| ```variac_shaft_dia(type)``` | Shaft diameter | +| ```variac_shaft_length(type)``` | Shaft length | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```variac_radius(type)``` | Body radius | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```variac(type, thickness = 3, dial = true)``` | Draw the specified variac with screws and possibly the dial when it is fixed and not rotating | +| ```variac_dial(type)``` | Draw the dial for the specified variac | +| ```variac_hole_positions(type, pitch = undef)``` | Position children at the screw positions | +| ```variac_holes(type, h = 100)``` | Drill panel holes for specified variac | + +![variacs](tests/png/variacs.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```variac(DURATRAKV5HM, 3)``` | Variac DURATRAK V5HM | +| 1 | ```variac(RAVISTAT1F1, 3)``` | Variac RAVISTAT 1F-1 | + + +Top + +--- + +## Veroboard +Veroboard with mounting holes, track breaks, removed tracks, solder points and components. + + +[vitamins/veroboard.scad](vitamins/veroboard.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/veroboard.scad](tests/veroboard.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```vero_assembly(type)``` | Name of the assembly | +| ```vero_breaks(type)``` | Breaks in the tracks | +| ```vero_components(type)``` | List of named components and their positions | +| ```vero_fr4(type)``` | True if FR4 rather than SRBP | +| ```vero_holes(type)``` | Number of holes in each strip | +| ```vero_joints(type)``` | List of solder joints | +| ```vero_mounting_holes(type)``` | Positions of the mounting holes | +| ```vero_no_track(type)``` | Missing tracks | +| ```vero_pitch(type)``` | Hole pitch | +| ```vero_screw(type)``` | Mounting screw type | +| ```vero_strips(type)``` | Number of strips | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```vero_length(type)``` | Length of the board | +| ```vero_thickness(type)``` | Thickness of the substrate | +| ```vero_track_thickness(type)``` | Thickness of the tracks | +| ```vero_track_width(type)``` | The width of the tracks | +| ```vero_width(type)``` | Width of the board | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```vero_cutouts(type, angle = undef)``` | Make cutouts to clear components | +| ```vero_grid_pos(type, x, y)``` | Convert grid position to offset from the centre | +| ```vero_mounting_hole_positions(type)``` | Positions children at the mounting holes | +| ```vero_mounting_holes(type, h = 100)``` | Drill mounting holes in a panel | +| ```veroboard(type)``` | Draw specified veroboard with missing tracks and track breaks | +| ```veroboard_assembly(type, height, thickness, flip = false)``` | Draw the assembly with components and fasteners in place | + +![veroboard](tests/png/veroboard.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 2 | ```idc_transition(2p54header, 10)``` | IDC transition header 10 x 2 | +| 4 | ```nut(M3_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M3 nyloc | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 25)``` | Screw M3 dome x 25mm | +| 2 | ```terminal_254(10)``` | Terminal block 10 way 0.1" | +| 2 | ```veroboard(z_vb)``` | Veroboard 5 holes x 22strips | +| 8 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 4 | pcb_spacer30120.stl | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 2 | z_bed_terminal_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Washers +Washers, star washers, penny washers and printed washers. + +If a washer is given a child, usually a screw or a nut, then it is placed on its top surface. + + +[vitamins/washers.scad](vitamins/washers.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/washer.scad](vitamins/washer.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/washers.scad](tests/washers.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```penny_washer(type)``` | Corresponding penny washer | +| ```spring_washer_diameter(type)``` | Spring washer size | +| ```spring_washer_thickness(type)``` | Spring washer thickness | +| ```star_washer_diameter(type)``` | Star version size | +| ```washer_diameter(type)``` | External diameter | +| ```washer_size(type)``` | Noiminal size | +| ```washer_soft(type)``` | True if rubber | +| ```washer_thickness(type)``` | Thickness | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```washer_colour(type)``` | Washer colour | +| ```washer_id(type)``` | Inside diameter | +| ```washer_radius(type)``` | Outside radius | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```penny_washer(type)``` | Draw penny version of specified plain washer | +| ```printed_washer(type, name = false)``` | Create printed washer | +| ```spring_washer(type)``` | Draw spring version of washer | +| ```star_washer(type)``` | Draw star version of washer | +| ```washer(type)``` | Draw specified washer | + +![washers](tests/png/washers.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```washer(M2_washer)``` | Washer M2 x 5mm x 0.3mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M2p5_washer)``` | Washer M2.5 x 5.9mm x 0.5mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M3p5_washer)``` | Washer M3.5 x 8mm x 0.5mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M5_washer)``` | Washer M5 x 10mm x 1mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M6_washer)``` | Washer M6 x 12.5mm x 1.5mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M8_washer)``` | Washer M8 x 17mm x 1.6mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M3_penny_washer)``` | Washer penny M3 x 12mm x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M4_penny_washer)``` | Washer penny M4 x 14mm x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M5_penny_washer)``` | Washer penny M5 x 20mm x 1.4mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M6_penny_washer)``` | Washer penny M6 x 26mm x 1.5mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M8_penny_washer)``` | Washer penny M8 x 30mm x 1.5mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M3_rubber_washer)``` | Washer rubber M3 x 10mm x 1.5mm | +| 1 | ```spring_washer(M2_washer)``` | Washer spring M2 x 0.5mm | +| 1 | ```spring_washer(M2p5_washer)``` | Washer spring M2.5 x 0.6mm | +| 1 | ```spring_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer spring M3 x 1mm | +| 1 | ```spring_washer(M3p5_washer)``` | Washer spring M3.5 x 1mm | +| 1 | ```spring_washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer spring M4 x 1.2mm | +| 1 | ```spring_washer(M5_washer)``` | Washer spring M5 x 1.6mm | +| 1 | ```spring_washer(M6_washer)``` | Washer spring M6 x 1.6mm | +| 1 | ```spring_washer(M8_washer)``` | Washer spring M8 x 2mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M2_washer)``` | Washer star M2 x 0.3mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M2p5_washer)``` | Washer star M2.5 x 0.5mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M3_rubber_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 1.5mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M3p5_washer)``` | Washer star M3.5 x 0.5mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer star M4 x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M5_washer)``` | Washer star M5 x 1mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M6_washer)``` | Washer star M6 x 1.5mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M8_washer)``` | Washer star M8 x 1.6mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | M20_washer.stl | | +| 1 | M25_washer.stl | | +| 2 | M30_washer.stl | | +| 1 | M35_washer.stl | | +| 1 | M40_washer.stl | | +| 1 | M50_washer.stl | | +| 1 | M60_washer.stl | | +| 1 | M80_washer.stl | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Zipties +Cable zipties. + + +[vitamins/zipties.scad](vitamins/zipties.scad) Object definitions. + +[vitamins/ziptie.scad](vitamins/ziptie.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/zipties.scad](tests/zipties.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ziptie_colour(type)``` | Colour | +| ```ziptie_latch(type)``` | Latch dimensions | +| ```ziptie_tail(type)``` | The length without teeth | +| ```ziptie_thickness(type)``` | Thickness | +| ```ziptie_width(type)``` | Width | + +![zipties](tests/png/zipties.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```ziptie(small_ziptie, 5)``` | Ziptie 100mm min length | +| 1 | ```ziptie(ziptie_3mm, 5)``` | Ziptie 100mm min length | +| 1 | ```ziptie(ziptie_3p6mm, 5)``` | Ziptie 100mm min length | + + +Top + +--- + +## Box +A box made from routed or laser cut sheet sheets and printed profiles and bezels. It can be arbitrarily large +compared to the 3D printed parts because they can be cut into interlocking sections and solvent welded +together. The box panels can be customised to have holes and parts mounted on them by overriding the +definitions of `box_base()`, `box_front()`, etc. + +`box.scad` should be ```use```d and `box_assembly.scad` ```include```d. + +A box is defined with a list that specifies the inside dimensions, top, bottom and side sheet materials, the +screw type and printed part wall thickness. This diagram shows how the various dimensions are labelled: +![](docs/box.png) + +Normally the side sheets are the same type but they can be overridden individually as long as the substitute has the same thickness. + + +[box.scad](box.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/box.scad](tests/box.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```box_base_sheet(type)``` | Sheet type for the bottom | +| ```box_depth(type)``` | Internal depth | +| ```box_feet(type)``` | True to enable feet on the bottom bezel | +| ```box_height(type)``` | Internal height | +| ```box_screw(type)``` | Screw type to be used at the corners | +| ```box_sheets(type)``` | Sheet type used for the sides | +| ```box_top_sheet(type)``` | Sheet type for the top | +| ```box_wall(type)``` | Wall thickness of 3D parts | +| ```box_width(type)``` | Internal width | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```box_bezel_height(type, bottom)``` | Bezel height for top or bottom | +| ```box_corner_gap(type)``` | Gap between box_sheets at the corners to connect inside and outside profiles | +| ```box_inset(type)``` | How much the bezel intrudes on the specified width and length, away from the corners | +| ```box_intrusion(type)``` | Corner profile intrusion | +| ```box_margin(type)``` | How much the bezel intrudes on the specified height | +| ```box_outset(type)``` | How much the bezel expands the specified internal size | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```box_back(type)``` | Default back, can be overridden to customise | +| ```box_back_blank(type, sheet = false)``` | Generates a 2D template for the back sheet, ```sheet``` can be set to override the type | +| ```box_base(type)``` | Default base, can be overridden to customise | +| ```box_base_blank(type)``` | Generates a 2D template for the base sheet | +| ```box_bezel(type, bottom)``` | Generates top and bottom bezel STLs | +| ```box_bezel_section(type, bottom, rows, cols, x, y)``` | Generates interlocking sections of the bezel to allow it to be bigger than the printer | +| ```box_corner_profile(type)``` | Generates the corner profile STL for 3D printing. | +| ```box_corner_profile_2D(type)``` | The 2D shape of the corner profile. | +| ```box_corner_profile_section(type, section, sections)``` | Generates interlocking sections of the corner profile to allow it to be taller than the printer | +| ```box_front(type)``` | Default front, can be overridden to customise | +| ```box_front_blank(type, sheet = false)``` | Generates a 2D template for the front sheet, ```sheet``` can be set to override the type | +| ```box_left(type)``` | Default left side, can be overridden to customise | +| ```box_left_blank(type, sheet = false)``` | Generates a 2D template for the left sheet, ```sheet``` can be set to override the type | +| ```box_right(type)``` | Default right side, can be overridden to customise | +| ```box_right_blank(type, sheet = false)``` | Generates a 2D template for the right sheet, ```sheet``` can be set to override the type | +| ```box_shelf_blank(type)``` | Generates a 2D template for a shelf sheet | +| ```box_top(type)``` | Default top, can be overridden to customise | +| ```box_top_blank(type)``` | Generates a 2D template for the top sheet | +| ```grill(width, height, r = 1000, poly = false, h = 0)``` | A staggered array of 5mm holes to make grills in sheets. Can be constrained to be circular. Set ```poly``` ```true``` for printing, ```false``` for milling. | + +![box](tests/png/box.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 8 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 16)``` | Screw M3 dome x 16mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 20)``` | Screw M3 dome x 20mm | +| 2 | ```sheet(DiBond, 143, 63, 1)``` | Sheet DiBond 143mm x 63mm x 3mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(DiBond6, 150, 100, 2.9)``` | Sheet DiBond 150mm x 100mm x 6mm | +| 2 | ```sheet(DiBond, 93, 63, 1)``` | Sheet DiBond 93mm x 63mm x 3mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(PMMA3, 150, 100, 2.9)``` | Sheet acrylic 150mm x 100mm x 3mm | +| 8 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 8 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 10 | bottom_bezel.stl | | +| 4 | box_corner_profile.stl | | +| 1 | top_bezel.stl | | + +### Routed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | box_back.dxf | | +| 1 | box_base.dxf | | +| 1 | box_front.dxf | | +| 1 | box_left.dxf | | +| 1 | box_right.dxf | | +| 1 | box_top.dxf | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | box_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Butt_box +A box made from CNC cut panels butted together using printed fixing blocks. Useful for making large +boxes with minimal 3D printing. More blocks are added as the box gets bigger. + +Needs to be ```include```d rather than ```use```d to allow the panel definitions to be overridden to add holes +and mounted components. + +A list specifies the internal dimensions, screw type, top, bottom and side sheet types and the block +maximum spacing. + +Uses [fixing blocks](#fixing_block) and [corner blocks](#corner_block). + + +[butt_box.scad](butt_box.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/butt_box.scad](tests/butt_box.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```bbox_base_sheet(type)``` | Sheet type for the base | +| ```bbox_depth(type)``` | Internal depth | +| ```bbox_height(type)``` | Internal height | +| ```bbox_screw(type)``` | Screw type for corner blocks | +| ```bbox_sheets(type)``` | Sheet type for the sides | +| ```bbox_span(type)``` | Maximum span between fixing blocks | +| ```bbox_top_sheet(type)``` | Sheet type for the top | +| ```bbox_width(type)``` | Internal width | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```_bbox_assembly(type, top = true, base = true, left = true, right = true, back = true, front = true)``` | The box assembly, wrap with a local copy without parameters | +| ```bbox_back(type)``` | Default back, can be overridden to customise | +| ```bbox_back_blank(type)``` | 2D template for the back | +| ```bbox_base(type)``` | Default base, can be overridden to customise | +| ```bbox_base_blank(type)``` | 2D template for the base | +| ```bbox_front(type)``` | Default front, can be overridden to customise | +| ```bbox_front_blank(type)``` | 2D template for the front | +| ```bbox_left(type)``` | Default left side, can be overridden to customise | +| ```bbox_left_blank(type)``` | 2D template for the left side | +| ```bbox_right(type)``` | Default right side, can be overridden to customise | +| ```bbox_right_blank(type)``` | 2D template for the right side | +| ```bbox_shelf_blank(type)``` | 2D template for a shelf | +| ```bbox_top(type)``` | Default top, can be overridden to customise | +| ```bbox_top_blank(type)``` | 2D template for the top | + +![butt_box](tests/png/butt_box.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 48 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 36 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 10)``` | Screw M3 dome x 10mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 12)``` | Screw M3 dome x 12mm | +| 8 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 16)``` | Screw M3 dome x 16mm | +| 2 | ```sheet(DiBond, 303, 126)``` | Sheet DiBond 303mm x 126mm x 3mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(DiBond, 400, 126)``` | Sheet DiBond 400mm x 126mm x 3mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(DiBond6, 400, 300, 1)``` | Sheet DiBond 400mm x 300mm x 6mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(DiBond, 406, 129)``` | Sheet DiBond 406mm x 129mm x 3mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(PMMA3, 406, 303)``` | Sheet acrylic 406mm x 303mm x 3mm | +| 48 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 48 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 8 | corner_block_M30.stl | | +| 8 | fixing_block_M30.stl | | + +### Routed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | bbox_back.dxf | | +| 1 | bbox_base.dxf | | +| 1 | bbox_front.dxf | | +| 1 | bbox_left.dxf | | +| 1 | bbox_right.dxf | | +| 1 | bbox_top.dxf | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | bbox_assembly | | +| 8 | corner_block_M30_assembly | | +| 8 | fixing_block_M30_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Cable_grommets +Printed cable grommets for passing cables through panels avoiding sharp edges and in the case +of conductive panels, an extra layer of insulation. + + +[cable_grommets.scad](cable_grommets.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/cable_grommets.scad](tests/cable_grommets.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```mouse_grommet(r, thickness)``` | Make the STL for a mouse grommet | +| ```mouse_grommet_hole(r, h = 50, z = undef, expand = wall + clearance)``` | Make a hole for a mouse grommet | +| ```ribbon_grommet(ways, thickness)``` | Generate the STL for a printed ribbon grommet | +| ```ribbon_grommet_hole(ways, h = 50, expand = true)``` | Generate a hole for a ribbon grommet | +| ```round_grommet_bottom(diameter, od = undef)``` | Generate the STL for a round grommet bottom half | +| ```round_grommet_hole(diameter, h = 100)``` | Make a hole for a round grommet | +| ```round_grommet_top(diameter, thickness, od = undef)``` | Generate the STL for a round grommet top half | + +![cable_grommets](tests/png/cable_grommets.png) + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | mouse_grommet_50_3.stl | | +| 1 | ribbon_grommet_20_3.stl | | +| 1 | round_grommet_bottom_60.stl | | +| 1 | round_grommet_top_60_3.stl | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Carriers +Adapts ESP12 module to 0.1" grid. See . + + +[carriers.scad](carriers.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/carriers.scad](tests/carriers.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ESP12F_carrier_stl()``` | Generate the STL for an ESP12 carrier | + +![carriers](tests/png/carriers.png) + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ESP12F_carrier.stl | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Corner_block +Corner brackets using threaded inserts for fastening three sheets together at right angles. +Defaults to M3 but other screws sizes can be specified provided they have inserts defined. + +See [butt_box](#Butt_box) for an example of usage. + +Note that the block with its inserts is defined as a sub assembly, but its fasteners get added to the parent assembly. + + +[corner_block.scad](corner_block.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/corner_block.scad](tests/corner_block.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```corner_block_h_holes(screw = def_screw)``` | List of transforms to side holes | +| ```corner_block_hole_offset(screw = def_screw)``` | Hole offset from the edge | +| ```corner_block_holes(screw)``` | List of transforms to all holes | +| ```corner_block_screw()``` | Default screw type | +| ```corner_block_v_hole(screw = def_screw)``` | Transform to bottom hole | +| ```corner_block_width(screw = def_screw)``` | Block width, depth and height | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```corner_block(screw = def_screw, name = false)``` | Generate the STL for a printed corner block | +| ```corner_block_assembly(screw = def_screw, name = false)``` | The printed block with inserts | +| ```corner_block_h_holes(screw = def_screw)``` | Place children at the side screw holes | +| ```corner_block_holes(screw = def_screw)``` | Place children at all the holes | +| ```corner_block_v_hole(screw = def_screw)``` | Place children at the bottom screw hole | +| ```fastened_corner_block_assembly(thickness, screw = def_screw, thickness_below = undef, name = false)``` | Printed block with all fasteners | + +![corner_block](tests/png/corner_block.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 3 | ```insert(F1BM)``` | Heatfit insert M2 | +| 3 | ```insert(F1BM2p5)``` | Heatfit insert M2.5 | +| 3 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 3 | ```insert(F1BM4)``` | Heatfit insert M4 | +| 3 | ```screw(M2_cap_screw, 8)``` | Screw M2 cap x 8mm | +| 3 | ```screw(M2p5_pan_screw, 10)``` | Screw M2.5 pan x 10mm | +| 3 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 10)``` | Screw M3 dome x 10mm | +| 3 | ```screw(M4_dome_screw, 12)``` | Screw M4 dome x 12mm | +| 3 | ```washer(M2_washer)``` | Washer M2 x 5mm x 0.3mm | +| 3 | ```washer(M2p5_washer)``` | Washer M2.5 x 5.9mm x 0.5mm | +| 3 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 3 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | +| 3 | ```star_washer(M2_washer)``` | Washer star M2 x 0.3mm | +| 3 | ```star_washer(M2p5_washer)``` | Washer star M2.5 x 0.5mm | +| 3 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | +| 3 | ```star_washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer star M4 x 0.8mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | corner_block_M20.stl | | +| 1 | corner_block_M25.stl | | +| 1 | corner_block_M30.stl | | +| 1 | corner_block_M40.stl | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | corner_block_M20_assembly | | +| 1 | corner_block_M25_assembly | | +| 1 | corner_block_M30_assembly | | +| 1 | corner_block_M40_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Door_hinge +Door hinges to hang an acrylic sheet door on a 3D printer, default 6mm thick. + +The screws are tapped into the acrylic. +Rubber door [sealing strip](#sealing_strip) is used to make it airtight and a [door_latch](#door_latch) holds it closed. + + +[door_hinge.scad](door_hinge.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/door_hinge.scad](tests/door_hinge.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```door_hinge_pin_x()``` | X offset of the hinge pin | +| ```door_hinge_pin_y()``` | Y offset of the hinge pin | +| ```door_hinge_screw()``` | Screw type used for hinge pin | +| ```door_hinge_stat_length()``` | Length of the stationary part | +| ```door_hinge_stat_screw()``` | Screw use to fasten the stationary part | +| ```door_hinge_stat_width()``` | Width of the stationary part | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```door_hinge(door_thickness)``` | Generates STL for the moving part of the hinge | +| ```door_hinge_assembly(top, door_thickness = 6)``` | The moving assembly that goes on the door | +| ```door_hinge_hole_positions(dir = 0)``` | Position chidren at the door hole positions | +| ```door_hinge_parts_stl()``` | Generates the STL for both parts of the hinge | +| ```door_hinge_stat_hole_positions(dir = 0)``` | Position children over the screws holes of the stationary part | +| ```door_hinge_stat_stl()``` | Generates the STL for the stationary part | +| ```door_hinge_static_assembly(top, sheet_thickness = 3)``` | The stationary assembly | + +![door_hinge](tests/png/door_hinge.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 4 | ```nut(M4_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M4 nyloc | +| 2 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 35)``` | Screw M3 cap x 35mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 10)``` | Screw M3 dome x 10mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M4_dome_screw, 16)``` | Screw M4 dome x 16mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(PMMA6, 50, 50, 3)``` | Sheet acrylic 50mm x 50mm x 6mm | +| 8 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 8 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 2 | door_hinge_6.stl | | +| 2 | door_hinge_stat.stl | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Door_latch +Door latch for 6mm acrylic door for 3D printer. See [door_hinge](#door_hinge). + + +[door_latch.scad](door_latch.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/door_latch.scad](tests/door_latch.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```door_latch_offset()``` | Offset of the axle from the door edge | +| ```door_latch_screw()``` | The screw used for the axle | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```door_latch_assembly(sheet_thickness = 3)``` | The assembly for a specified sheet thickess | +| ```door_latch_stl()``` | Generates the STL for the printed part | + +![door_latch](tests/png/door_latch.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```nut(M4_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M4 nyloc | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_hex_screw, 20)``` | Screw M4 hex x 20mm | +| 2 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | door_latch.stl | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Fan_guard +Pintable fan finger guard to match the specified fan. To be ```include```d, not ```use```d. + +The ring spacing as well as the number of spokes can be specified, if zero a gasket is generated instead of a guard. + + +[fan_guard.scad](fan_guard.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/fan_guard.scad](tests/fan_guard.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fan_guard_corner_r(type)``` | Corner radius of the guard | +| ```fan_guard_thickness()``` | Default thickness | +| ```fan_guard_width(type)``` | Width of the guard | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fan_guard(type, name = false, thickness = fan_guard_thickness()``` | Generate the STL | + +![fan_guard](tests/png/fan_guard.png) + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | fan_guard_120.stl | | +| 1 | fan_guard_25.stl | | +| 1 | fan_guard_30.stl | | +| 1 | fan_guard_40.stl | | +| 1 | fan_guard_50.stl | | +| 2 | fan_guard_60.stl | | +| 1 | fan_guard_70.stl | | +| 2 | fan_guard_80.stl | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Fixing_block +Fixing block to mount two sheets at right angles using threaded inserts. +Defaults to M3 but other screw sizes can be specified provided they have inserts defined. + +See [butt_box](#Butt_box) for an example of usage. + +Note that the block with its inserts is defined as a sub assembly, but its fasteners get added to the parent assembly. + + +[fixing_block.scad](fixing_block.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/fixing_block.scad](tests/fixing_block.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fixing_block_depth(screw = def_screw)``` | Depth given screw size | +| ```fixing_block_h_hole(screw = def_screw)``` | Returns transform to position the horizontal screw | +| ```fixing_block_height(screw = def_screw)``` | Height given screw size, same as depth | +| ```fixing_block_holes(screw)``` | Returns a list of transforms to position all the screws | +| ```fixing_block_screw()``` | Default screw type | +| ```fixing_block_v_holes(screw = def_screw)``` | Returns a list of transforms to position the vertical screws | +| ```fixing_block_width(screw = def_screw)``` | Width given screw size | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fastened_fixing_block_assembly(thickness, screw = def_screw, screw2 = undef, thickness2 = undef)``` | Assembly with fasteners in place | +| ```fixing_block(screw = def_screw)``` | Generate the STL | +| ```fixing_block_assembly(screw = def_screw)``` | Printed part with the inserts inserted | +| ```fixing_block_h_hole(screw = def_screw)``` | Position children on the horizontal hole | +| ```fixing_block_h_hole_2D(screw = def_screw)``` | Position 2D child on the horizontal hole | +| ```fixing_block_holes(screw = def_screw)``` | Position children on all the holes | +| ```fixing_block_v_holes(screw = def_screw)``` | Position children on the vertical holes | + +![fixing_block](tests/png/fixing_block.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 3 | ```insert(F1BM)``` | Heatfit insert M2 | +| 3 | ```insert(F1BM2p5)``` | Heatfit insert M2.5 | +| 3 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 3 | ```insert(F1BM4)``` | Heatfit insert M4 | +| 3 | ```screw(M2_cap_screw, 8)``` | Screw M2 cap x 8mm | +| 3 | ```screw(M2p5_pan_screw, 10)``` | Screw M2.5 pan x 10mm | +| 3 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 10)``` | Screw M3 dome x 10mm | +| 3 | ```screw(M4_dome_screw, 16)``` | Screw M4 dome x 16mm | +| 3 | ```washer(M2_washer)``` | Washer M2 x 5mm x 0.3mm | +| 3 | ```washer(M2p5_washer)``` | Washer M2.5 x 5.9mm x 0.5mm | +| 3 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 3 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | +| 3 | ```star_washer(M2_washer)``` | Washer star M2 x 0.3mm | +| 3 | ```star_washer(M2p5_washer)``` | Washer star M2.5 x 0.5mm | +| 3 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | +| 3 | ```star_washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer star M4 x 0.8mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | fixing_block_M20.stl | | +| 1 | fixing_block_M25.stl | | +| 1 | fixing_block_M30.stl | | +| 1 | fixing_block_M40.stl | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | fixing_block_M20_assembly | | +| 1 | fixing_block_M25_assembly | | +| 1 | fixing_block_M30_assembly | | +| 1 | fixing_block_M40_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Foot +Customisable printed rubber feet for equipment cases. The insert variant is better for solid feet because +inserts don't grip well in rubber. + + +[foot.scad](foot.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/foot.scad](tests/foot.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```foot_diameter(type = foot)``` | Outside maximum diameter | +| ```foot_height(type = foot)``` | Total height | +| ```foot_rad(type = foot)``` | Rounded corner radius | +| ```foot_screw(type = foot)``` | Screw type | +| ```foot_slant(type = foot)``` | Taper angle | +| ```foot_thickness(type = foot)``` | Thickness under the screw | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```foot()``` | Default foot used unless a list of parameters is passed | +| ```insert_foot()``` | Default foot with insert | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fastened_insert_foot_assembly(t = 3, type = insert_foot)``` | Assembly with fasteners in place for specified sheet thickness | +| ```foot(type = foot)``` | Generate STL | +| ```foot_assembly(t = 0, type = foot)``` | Assembly with fasteners in place for specified sheet thickness | +| ```insert_foot(type = insert_foot)``` | Generate STL for foot with insert | +| ```insert_foot_assembly(type = insert_foot)``` | Printed part with insert in place | + +![foot](tests/png/foot.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 1 | ```nut(M4_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M4 nyloc | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 8)``` | Screw M3 cap x 8mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_cap_screw, 16)``` | Screw M4 cap x 16mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 2 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | foot.stl | | +| 1 | insert_foot.stl | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | insert_foot_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Handle +Printed handle that can be printed without needing support material due to its truncated teardrop profile. + + +[handle.scad](handle.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/handle.scad](tests/handle.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```handle_height()``` | Total height | +| ```handle_length()``` | Outside length | +| ```handle_screw()``` | The screw type | +| ```handle_width()``` | The width, i.e. diameter | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```handle_assembly()``` | Printed part with inserts in place | +| ```handle_fastened_assembly(thickness)``` | Assembly with fasteners in place | +| ```handle_holes(h = 100)``` | Drills holes for the screws | +| ```handle_screw_positions()``` | Position children at the screw positions | +| ```handle_stl()``` | generate the STL | + +![handle](tests/png/handle.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 2 | ```insert(F1BM4)``` | Heatfit insert M4 | +| 2 | ```screw(M4_cap_screw, 16)``` | Screw M4 cap x 16mm | +| 2 | ```washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer M4 x 9mm x 0.8mm | +| 2 | ```star_washer(M4_washer)``` | Washer star M4 x 0.8mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | handle.stl | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | handle_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Ribbon_clamp +Clamp for ribbon cable and polypropylene strip. + + +[ribbon_clamp.scad](ribbon_clamp.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/ribbon_clamp.scad](tests/ribbon_clamp.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ribbon_clamp_height()``` | Height | +| ```ribbon_clamp_hole_pitch(ways)``` | Hole pitch | +| ```ribbon_clamp_length(ways)``` | Length given ways | +| ```ribbon_clamp_width()``` | Width | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ribbon_clamp(ways)``` | Generate STL for given number of ways | +| ```ribbon_clamp_assembly(ways)``` | Printed part with inserts in place | +| ```ribbon_clamp_fastened_assembly(ways, thickness, screw = screw)``` | Clamp with fasteners in place | +| ```ribbon_clamp_hole_positions(ways, side = undef)``` | Place children at hole positions | +| ```ribbon_clamp_holes(ways, h = 20)``` | Drill screw holes | + +![ribbon_clamp](tests/png/ribbon_clamp.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 2 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 1 | | Ribbon cable 20 way 100mm | +| 2 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 10)``` | Screw M3 cap x 10mm | +| 1 | | Tape self amalgamating silicone 26 x 25mm | +| 2 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 2 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ribbon_clamp_20.stl | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ribbon_clamp_20_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Screw_knob +Knob with embedded hex head screw. + + +[screw_knob.scad](screw_knob.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/screw_knob.scad](tests/screw_knob.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```screw_knob(screw)``` | Generate the STL foe a knob to fit the specified hex screw | +| ```screw_knob_assembly(screw, length)``` | Assembly with the screw in place | + +![screw_knob](tests/png/screw_knob.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```screw(M3_hex_screw, 16)``` | Screw M3 hex x 16mm | +| 1 | ```screw(M4_hex_screw, 16)``` | Screw M4 hex x 16mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | screw_knob_M30.stl | | +| 1 | screw_knob_M40.stl | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | screw_knob_M30_16_assembly | | +| 1 | screw_knob_M40_16_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Socket_box +UK 13A socket and printed backbox with earth terminal for the panel it is mounted on. + + +[socket_box.scad](socket_box.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/socket_box.scad](tests/socket_box.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```socket_box_depth()``` | Outside depth of the backbox | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```socket_box(type)``` | Generate STL of the backbox for the specified socket | +| ```socket_box_assembly(type)``` | The box with inserts fitted | +| ```socket_box_fastened_assembly(type, thickness)``` | The socket and backbox on each side of the specified panel thickness | + +![socket_box](tests/png/socket_box.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 4 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 1 | ```mains_socket(Contactum)``` | Mains socket 13A | +| 1 | ```mains_socket(MKLOGIC)``` | Mains socket 13A, switched | +| 2 | ```nut(M3_nut, nyloc = true)``` | Nut M3 nyloc | +| 2 | ```ring_terminal(M3_ringterm)``` | Ring terminal 3mm | +| 4 | ```screw(M3_cs_cap_screw, 20)``` | Screw M3 cs cap x 20mm | +| 2 | ```screw(M3_dome_screw, 10)``` | Screw M3 dome x 10mm | +| 4 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | socket_box_Contactum.stl | | +| 1 | socket_box_MKLOGIC.stl | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | socket_box_Contactum_assembly | | +| 1 | socket_box_MKLOGIC_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Strap_handle +Retracting strap handle. Print the strap with flexible filament. Shown with default dimensions but can +be fully customised by passing a list of properties. + + +[strap_handle.scad](strap_handle.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/strap_handle.scad](tests/strap_handle.scad) Code for this example. + +### Properties +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```strap_extension(type = strap)``` | How much length of the strap that can pull out | +| ```strap_panel(type = strap)``` | Panel thickness | +| ```strap_screw(type = strap)``` | Screw type | +| ```strap_thickness(type = strap)``` | Thickness of strap | +| ```strap_width(type = strap)``` | Width of strap | + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```strap_end_width(type = strap)``` | Width of the ends | +| ```strap_height(type)``` | Height of the ends | +| ```strap_insert(type)``` | The insert type | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```strap(length, type = strap)``` | Generate the STL for the rubber strap | +| ```strap_assembly(length, type = strap)``` | Assembly with screws in place | +| ```strap_end(type = strap)``` | Generate the STL for end piece | +| ```strap_holes(length, type = strap, h = 100)``` | The panel cut outs | +| ```strap_screw_positions(length, type = strap)``` | Place children at the screw positions | + +![strap_handle](tests/png/strap_handle.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 2 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 2 | ```screw(M3_pan_screw, 8)``` | Screw M3 pan x 8mm | +| 2 | ```washer(M3_penny_washer)``` | Washer penny M3 x 12mm x 0.8mm | +| 2 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | strap.stl | | +| 2 | strap_end.stl | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 2 | strap_end_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Annotation +Annotation used in this documentation + + +[utils/annotation.scad](utils/annotation.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/annotation.scad](tests/annotation.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```arrow(length = 20)``` | Draw an arrow that faces downwards | +| ```label(str, scale = 0.25, valign = "baseline", halign = "left")``` | Draw text that always faces the camera | + +![annotation](tests/png/annotation.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Bezier +Bezier curves and function to get and adjust the length or minimum z point. + + +[utils/bezier.scad](utils/bezier.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/bezier.scad](tests/bezier.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```adjust_bezier_length(v, l, eps = 0.001, r1 = 1.0, r2 = 1.5, l1, l2)``` | Adjust Bezier control points ```v``` to get the required curve length ```l``` | +| ```adjust_bezier_z(v, z, eps = 0.001, r1 = 1, r2 = 1.5, z1, z2)``` | Adjust Bezier control points ```v``` to get the required minimum ```z``` | +| ```bezier(t, v)``` | Returns a point at distance ```t``` [0 - 1] along the curve with control points ```v``` | +| ```bezier_length(v, delta = 0.01, t = 0, length = 0)``` | Calculate the length of a Bezier curve from control points ```v``` | +| ```bezier_min_z(v, steps = 100, z = inf, i = 0)``` | Calculate the minimum z coordinate of a Bezier curve from control points ```v``` | +| ```bezier_path(v, steps = 100)``` | Returns a Bezier path from control points ```v``` with ```steps``` segments | + +![bezier](tests/png/bezier.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Dogbones +When square holes are cut with a CNC bit they get rounded corners. If it is important that +a square cornered part fits in the hole then circles are placed in the corners making a bone shape. + + +[utils/dogbones.scad](utils/dogbones.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/dogbones.scad](tests/dogbones.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```dogbone_rectangle(size, r = cnc_bit_r, center = true, xy_center = true)``` | Rectangle with cylinders at the corners | +| ```dogbone_square(size, r = cnc_bit_r, center = true)``` | Square with circles at the corners | + +![dogbones](tests/png/dogbones.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Fillet +Rounded fillet for adding to corners. + + +[utils/fillet.scad](utils/fillet.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/fillet.scad](tests/fillet.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```fillet(r, h, center = false)``` | Fillet with specified radius and height | + +![fillet](tests/png/fillet.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Hanging_hole +Method to print holes in mid air. See + + +[utils/hanging_hole.scad](utils/hanging_hole.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/hanging_hole.scad](tests/hanging_hole.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```hanging_hole(z, ir, h = 100, h2 = 100)``` | Hole radius ```ir``` hanging at the specified ```z``` value above a void who's shape is given by a 2D child | + +![hanging_hole](tests/png/hanging_hole.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Layout +Layout objects in a line with equal gaps given a vector of their widths. + + +[utils/layout.scad](utils/layout.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/layout.scad](tests/layout.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```layout_offset(widths, i, gap = 2)``` | Calculate the offset for the ```i```th item | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```layout(widths, gap = 2, no_offset = false)``` | Layout children passing ```$i``` | + +![layout](tests/png/layout.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Maths +Maths utilities for minapulating vectors and matrices. + + +[utils/maths.scad](utils/maths.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/maths.scad](tests/maths.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```identity(n, x = 1)``` | Construct an arbitrary size identity matrix | +| ```reverse(v)``` | Reverse a vector | +| ```rotate(a, v)``` | Generate a 4x4 rotation matrix, ```a``` can be a vector of three angles or a single angle around ```z```, or around axis ```v``` | +| ```scale(v)``` | Generate a 4x4 matrix that scales by ```v```, which can be a vector of xyz factors or a scalar to scale all axes equally | +| ```transform(v, m)``` | Apply 4x4 transform to a 3 vector by extending it and cropping it again | +| ```transform_points(path, m)``` | Apply transform to a path | +| ```translate(v)``` | Generate a 4x4 translation matrix, ```v``` can be ```[x, y]```, ```[x, y, z]``` or ```z``` | +| ```transpose(m)``` | Transpose an arbitrary size matrix | +| ```unit(v)``` | Convert ```v``` to a unit vector | +| ```vec3(v)``` | Return a 3 vector with the first three elements of ```v``` | + +![maths](tests/png/maths.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Offset +3D offset using `minkowski` with a `sphere`, so very slow if `$fn` is not kept small. The offset can be positive or negative. + +Can be used to round corners. Positive offsets will round convex corners, negative offsets round concave corners. To round both use [`round_3D()`](#round). + +If `chamfer_base` is true then the bottom edge is made suitable for 3D printing by chamfering when the angle gets shallower than 45 degrees. + + +[utils/offset.scad](utils/offset.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/offset.scad](tests/offset.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```offset_3D(r, chamfer_base = false)``` | Offset 3D shape by specified radius ```r```, positive or negative. | + +![offset](tests/png/offset.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Quadrant +Square with one rounded corner. + + +[utils/quadrant.scad](utils/quadrant.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/quadrant.scad](tests/quadrant.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```quadrant(w, r, center = false)``` | Draw a square with one rounded corner, can be centered on the arc centre, when ```center``` is ```true```. | + +![quadrant](tests/png/quadrant.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Round +Round 2D shapes uisng `offset()`, which is fast and 3D shapes with [`offset_3D()`](#offset), which is very slow. + +A single radius can be specified or separate internal and external radii. +If `chamfer_base` is `true` for `round_3D()` then the bottom edge is made suitable for 3D printing by chamfering once the +the angle gets shallower than 45 degrees. + + +[utils/round.scad](utils/round.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/round.scad](tests/round.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```round(r, ir = undef, or = undef)``` | Round a 2D child, single radius or separate inside and outside radii | +| ```round_3D(r, ir = undef, or = undef, chamfer_base = false)``` | Round a 3D child single radius or separate inside and outside radii | + +![round](tests/png/round.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Rounded_cylinder +Cylinder with a rounded end. + + +[utils/rounded_cylinder.scad](utils/rounded_cylinder.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/rounded_cylinder.scad](tests/rounded_cylinder.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```rounded_corner(r, h, r2, ir = 0)``` | 2D version | +| ```rounded_cylinder(r, h, r2, ir = 0, angle = 360)``` | Rounded cylinder given radius ```r```, height ```h```, optional internal radius ```ir``` and optional ```angle``` | + +![rounded_cylinder](tests/png/rounded_cylinder.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Rounded_polygon +Draw a polygon with rounded corners. Each element of the vector is the XY coordinate and a radius. Radius can be negative for a concave corner. + +Because the tangents need to be calculated to find the length these can be calculated separately and re-used when drawing to save calculating them twice. + + +[utils/rounded_polygon.scad](utils/rounded_polygon.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/rounded_polygon.scad](tests/rounded_polygon.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```rounded_polygon_length(points, tangents)``` | Calculate the length given the point list and the list of tangents computed by ``` rounded_polygon_tangents``` | +| ```rounded_polygon_tangents(points)``` | Compute the straight sections needed to draw and to compute the lengths | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```rounded_polygon(points, _tangents = undef)``` | Draw the rounded polygon from the point list, can pass the tangent list to save it being calculated | + +![rounded_polygon](tests/png/rounded_polygon.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Sector +A sector of a circle between two angles. + + +[utils/sector.scad](utils/sector.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/sector.scad](tests/sector.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```sector(r, start_angle, end_angle)``` | Create specified sector given radius ```r```, ```start_angle``` and ```end_angle``` | + +![sector](tests/png/sector.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Sweep +Utility to generate a polhedron by sweeping a 2D profile along a 3D path and utilities for generating paths. + +The initial orientation is the Y axis of the profile points towards the initial center of curvature, Frenet-Serret style. +This means the first three points must not be colinear. Subsequent rotations use the minimum rotation method. + +The path can be open or closed. If closed sweep ensures that the start and end have the same rotation to line up. +An additional twist around the path can be specified. If the path is closed this should be a multiple of 360. + + +[utils/sweep.scad](utils/sweep.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/sweep.scad](tests/sweep.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```after(path1, path2)``` | Translate ```path2``` so its start meets the end of ```path1``` and then concatenate | +| ```arc_points(r, a = [90, 0, 180], al = 90)``` | Generate the points of a circular arc | +| ```before(path1, path2)``` | Translate ```path1``` so its end meets the start of ```path2``` and then concatenate | +| ```circle_points(r = 1, z = 0)``` | Generate the points of a circle, setting z makes a single turn spiral | +| ```path_length(path, i = 0, length = 0)``` | Calculated the length along a path | +| ```rectangle_points(w, h)``` | Generate the points of a rectangle | +| ```sweep(path, profile, loop = false, twist = 0)``` | Generate the point list and face list of the swept volume | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```sweep(path, profile, loop = false, twist = 0)``` | Draw a polyhedron that is the swept volume | + +![sweep](tests/png/sweep.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Tube +Simple tube or ring + + +[utils/tube.scad](utils/tube.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/tube.scad](tests/tube.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```ring(or, ir)``` | Create a ring with specified external and internal radii | +| ```tube(or, ir, h, center = true)``` | Create a tube with specified external and internal radii and height ```h``` | + +![tube](tests/png/tube.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Bom +Bill Of Materials generation via echo and the ```bom.py``` script. Also handles exploded assembly views and posing. Assembly instructions can precede the module +definition that makes the assembly. + +The example below shows how to define a vitamin and incorporate it into an assembly with sub-assemblies and make an exploded view. The resulting flat BOM is shown but +heirachical BOMs are also generated for real projects. + + +[utils/core/bom.scad](utils/core/bom.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/bom.scad](tests/bom.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```arg(value, default, name = "")``` | Create string for arg if not default, helper for ```vitamin()``` | +| ```bom_mode(n = 1)``` | Current BOM mode, 0 = none, 1 = printed and routed parts and assemblies, 2 includes vitamins as well | +| ```exploded()``` | Returns the value of ```$exploded``` if it is defined, else ```0``` | +| ```show_supports()``` | True if printed support material should be shown | +| ```value_string(value)``` | Convert ```value``` to a string or quote it if it is already a string | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```assembly(name)``` | Name an assembly that will appear on the BOM, there needs to a module named ```_assembly``` to make it | +| ```dxf(name)``` | Name a dxf that will appear on the BOM, there needs to a module named ```_dxf``` to make it | +| ```explode(d, explode_children = false, offset = [0,0,0])``` | Explode children by specified Z distance or vector ```d```, option to explode grand children | +| ```hidden()``` | Make item invisible, except on the BOM | +| ```no_explode()``` | Prevent children being exploded | +| ```no_pose()``` | Force children not to be posed even if parent is | +| ```not_on_bom(on = false)``` | Specify the following child parts are not on the BOM, for example when they are on a PCB that comes assembled | +| ```pose(a = [55, 0, 25], t = [0, 0, 0], exploded = undef)``` | Pose an STL or assembly for rendering to png by specifying rotation ```a``` and translation ```t```, ```exploded = true for``` just the exploded view or ```false``` for unexploded only. | +| ```stl(name)``` | Name an stl that will appear on the BOM, there needs to a module named ```_stl``` to make it | +| ```vitamin(description)``` | Describe a vitamin for the BOM entry and precede it with a module call that creates it, eg. "wigit(42): Type 42 widget" | + +![bom](tests/png/bom.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```insert(F1BM3)``` | Heatfit insert M3 | +| 1 | ```widget(3)``` | Rivit like thing for 3mm sheets | +| 1 | ```screw(M3_cap_screw, 8)``` | Screw M3 cap x 8mm | +| 1 | ```sheet(PMMA3, 20, 20, 1)``` | Sheet acrylic 20mm x 20mm x 3mm | +| 1 | ```washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer M3 x 7mm x 0.5mm | +| 1 | ```star_washer(M3_washer)``` | Washer star M3 x 0.5mm | + +### Printed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | widget.stl | | + +### Routed +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | widget.dxf | | + +### Assemblies +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | widget_top_assembly | | +| 1 | widgit_base_assembly | | +| 1 | wigdit_assembly | | + + +Top + +--- + +## Clip +Construct arbirarily large box to partition 3D space and clip objects, useful for creating cross sections to see the inside when debugging. + +Original version by Doug Moen on the OpenSCAD forum + + +[utils/core/clip.scad](utils/core/clip.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/clip.scad](tests/clip.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```box(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax)``` | Construct a box given its bounds | +| ```clip(xmin = -inf, ymin = -inf, zmin = -inf, xmax = inf, ymax = inf, zmax = inf)``` | Clip child to specified boundaries | + +![clip](tests/png/clip.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Global +Global constants, functions and modules. This file is used directly or indirectly in every scad file. + + +[utils/core/global.scad](utils/core/global.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/global.scad](tests/global.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```Len(x)``` | Returns the length of a list or 0 if ```x``` is not a list | +| ```echoit(x)``` | Echo expression and return it, useful for debugging | +| ```in(list, x)``` | Returns true if ```x``` is an element in the ```list``` | +| ```inch(x)``` | Inch to mm conversion | +| ```r2sides(r)``` | Replicates the OpenSCAD logic to calculate the number of sides from the radius | +| ```r2sides4n(r)``` | Round up the number of sides to a multiple of 4 to ensure points land on all axes | +| ```sqr(x)``` | Returns the square of ```x``` | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```circle4n(r, d = undef)``` | Circle with multiple of 4 vertices | +| ```ellipse(xr, yr)``` | Draw an ellipse | +| ```extrude_if(h, center = true)``` | Extrudes 2D object to 3D when ```h``` is nonzero, otherwise leaves it 2D | +| ```semi_circle(r, d = undef)``` | A semi circle in the positive Y domain | +| ```translate_z(z)``` | Shortcut for Z only translations | +| ```vflip()``` | Invert children by doing a 180 flip around the X axis | + +![global](tests/png/global.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Polyholes +A method of making 3D printed holes come out the right size regardless of the printer, providing +it gets the linear dimensions right. See + +The module provides `poly_circle()`, `poly_cylinder()` and `poly_ring()` that is useful for making printed washers and pillars. + + +[utils/core/polyholes.scad](utils/core/polyholes.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/polyholes.scad](tests/polyholes.scad) Code for this example. + +### Functions +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```corrected_diameter(d, n = 0)``` | Adjusted diameter to make flats lie on the circle | +| ```corrected_radius(r, n = 0)``` | Adjusted radius to make flats lie on the circle | +| ```sides(r)``` | Optimium number of sides for specified radius | + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```drill(r, h = 100)``` | Make a cylinder for drilling holes suitable for CNC routing, set h = 0 for circle | +| ```poly_circle(r, sides = 0)``` | Make a circle adjusted to print the correct size | +| ```poly_cylinder(r, h, center = false, sides = 0)``` | Make a cylinder adjusted to print the correct size | +| ```poly_ring(or, ir)``` | Make a 2D ring adjusted to have the correct internal radius | +| ```slot(r, l, h = 100)``` | Make a horizontal slot suitable for CNC routing, set h = 0 for 2D version | + +![polyholes](tests/png/polyholes.png) + +### Vitamins +| | | | +| ---:|:--- |:---| +| 1 | ```sheet(Steel06, 20, 20, 1)``` | Sheet mild steel 20mm x 20mm x 0.6mm | +| 1 | ```rod(1.5, 11)``` | Smooth rod 1.5mm x 11mm | +| 1 | ```rod(10.5, 47)``` | Smooth rod 10.5mm x 47mm | +| 1 | ```rod(10, 45)``` | Smooth rod 10mm x 45mm | +| 1 | ```rod(1, 9)``` | Smooth rod 1mm x 9mm | +| 1 | ```rod(2.5, 15)``` | Smooth rod 2.5mm x 15mm | +| 1 | ```rod(2, 13)``` | Smooth rod 2mm x 13mm | +| 1 | ```rod(3.5, 19)``` | Smooth rod 3.5mm x 19mm | +| 1 | ```rod(3, 17)``` | Smooth rod 3mm x 17mm | +| 4 | ```rod(3, 3)``` | Smooth rod 3mm x 3mm | +| 1 | ```rod(4.5, 23)``` | Smooth rod 4.5mm x 23mm | +| 1 | ```rod(4, 21)``` | Smooth rod 4mm x 21mm | +| 1 | ```rod(5.5, 27)``` | Smooth rod 5.5mm x 27mm | +| 1 | ```rod(5, 25)``` | Smooth rod 5mm x 25mm | +| 1 | ```rod(6.5, 31)``` | Smooth rod 6.5mm x 31mm | +| 1 | ```rod(6, 29)``` | Smooth rod 6mm x 29mm | +| 1 | ```rod(7.5, 35)``` | Smooth rod 7.5mm x 35mm | +| 1 | ```rod(7, 33)``` | Smooth rod 7mm x 33mm | +| 1 | ```rod(8.5, 39)``` | Smooth rod 8.5mm x 39mm | +| 1 | ```rod(8, 37)``` | Smooth rod 8mm x 37mm | +| 1 | ```rod(9.5, 43)``` | Smooth rod 9.5mm x 43mm | +| 1 | ```rod(9, 41)``` | Smooth rod 9mm x 41mm | + + +Top + +--- + +## Rounded_rectangle +Rectangle with rounded corners. + + +[utils/core/rounded_rectangle.scad](utils/core/rounded_rectangle.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/rounded_rectangle.scad](tests/rounded_rectangle.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```rounded_rectangle(size, r, center = true, xy_center = true)``` | Like ```cube()``` but corners rounded in XY plane and separate centre options for xy and z. | +| ```rounded_square(size, r, center = true)``` | Like ```square()``` but with with rounded corners | + +![rounded_rectangle](tests/png/rounded_rectangle.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Sphere +Redefines `sphere()` to always have a vertex on all six half axes I.e. vertices at the poles and the equator and `$fn` a multiple of four. +This ensures `hull` and `minkowski` results have the correct dimensions when spheres are placed at the corners. + + +[utils/core/sphere.scad](utils/core/sphere.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/sphere.scad](tests/sphere.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```sphere(r = 1, d = undef)``` | Override ```sphere``` so that has vertices on all three axes. Has the advantage of giving correct dimensions when hulled | + +![sphere](tests/png/sphere.png) + + +Top + +--- + +## Teardrops +For making horizontal holes that don't need support material. +Small holes can get away without it, but they print better with truncated teardrops. + + +[utils/core/teardrops.scad](utils/core/teardrops.scad) Implementation. + +[tests/teardrops.scad](tests/teardrops.scad) Code for this example. + +### Modules +| | | +|:--- |:--- | +| ```teardrop(h, r, center = true, truncate = true)``` | For making horizontal holes that don't need support material, set ```truncate = false``` to make traditional RepRap teardrops that don't even need bridging | +| ```teardrop_plus(h, r, center = true, truncate = true)``` | Slightly bigger teardrop to allow for the 3D printing staircase effect | +| ```tearslot(h, r, w, center = true)``` | A horizontal slot that doesn't need support material | +| ```vertical_tearslot(h, r, l, center = true)``` | A vertical slot that doesn't need support material | + +![teardrops](tests/png/teardrops.png) + + +Top + +--- diff --git a/tests/png/annotation.png b/tests/png/annotation.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38d78dd Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/png/annotation.png differ diff --git a/tests/png/ball_bearings.png b/tests/png/ball_bearings.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bad2f3 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/png/ball_bearings.png differ diff --git a/tests/png/batteries.png b/tests/png/batteries.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b208fb8 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/png/batteries.png differ diff --git a/tests/png/belts.png b/tests/png/belts.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..185c21f Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/png/belts.png differ diff --git a/tests/png/bezier.png b/tests/png/bezier.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7543c42 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/png/bezier.png differ diff --git a/tests/png/blowers.png b/tests/png/blowers.png new file mode 100644 index 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