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2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <>.
//! LED volt meter modules available from China and a printed bezel that allows them to be mounted into a
//! CNC cut panel. The meter is held in the bezel by melting the stakes with a soldering iron set to 200&deg;C. The
//! bezel is fixed in the panel with hot glue.
//! The 7 SEGMENT.TTF font from the [docs](docs) directory needs to be installed to get realistic digits.
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
include <../utils/core/core.scad>
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
led_meter = ["led_meter", 22.72, 10.14, 6.3, 22.72, 11.04, 0.96, 30, 4.2, 26, 2.2 / 2];
function meter() = led_meter; //! Default meter type
function meter_length(type = led_meter) = type[1]; //! Length of body
function meter_width(type = led_meter) = type[2]; //! Width of body
function meter_height(type = led_meter) = type[3]; //! Height of body excluding PCB
function meter_pcb_length(type = led_meter) = type[4]; //! PCB length excluding lugs
function meter_pcb_width(type = led_meter) = type[5]; //! PCB width
function meter_pcb_thickness(type = led_meter) = type[6]; //! PCB thickness
function meter_lug_length(type = led_meter) = type[7]; //! PCB length including lugs
function meter_lug_width(type = led_meter) = type[8]; //! Lug width
function meter_hole_pitch(type = led_meter) = type[9]; //! Lug hole pitch
function meter_hole_radius(type = led_meter) = type[10]; //! Lug hole radius
module meter_hole_positions(type = led_meter) //! Position children over the holes
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * meter_hole_pitch(type) / 2, 0])
module meter(type = led_meter, colour = "red", value = "888", display_colour = false) //! Draw a meter with optional colour and display value
vitamin(str("meter(", type[0], arg(colour, "red", "colour"), "): LED meter ", colour));
translate_z(meter_height(type) / 2)
cube([meter_length(type), meter_width(type), meter_height(type)], center = true);
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
difference() {
union() {
square([meter_pcb_length(type), meter_pcb_width(type)], center = true);
square([meter_lug_length(type), meter_lug_width(type)], center = true);
color(display_colour ? display_colour : colour)
linear_extrude(0.2, center = true)
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
text(value, font = "7 segment", valign = "center", halign = "center", size = meter_width(type) - 2, spacing = 1.2);
clearance = 0.1;
overlap = 1;
flange_t = 1;
function meter_bezel_wall(type = led_meter) = (meter_lug_length(type) - meter_length(type)) / 2; //! Printed bezel wall thickness
function meter_bezel_rad(type = led_meter) = meter_bezel_wall(type); //! Printed bezel corner radius
function meter_bezel_length(type = led_meter) = meter_length(type) + 2 * (meter_bezel_wall(type) + overlap); //! Printed bezel length
function meter_bezel_width(type = led_meter) = meter_width(type) + 2 * (meter_bezel_wall(type) + overlap); //! Printed bezel width
module meter_bezel_hole(type = led_meter, h = 100) { //! Make a hole to fit the meter Bezel
wall = meter_bezel_wall(type) + clearance;
rad = meter_bezel_rad(type) + clearance;
l = meter_length(type);
w = meter_width(type);
rounded_square([l + 2 * wall, w + 2 * wall], rad);
module meter_bezel(type = led_meter) { //! Generate the STL for the meter bezel
wall = meter_bezel_wall(type);
rad = meter_bezel_rad(type);
l = meter_length(type);
w = meter_width(type);
h = meter_height(type);
union() {
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
difference() {
rounded_square([l + 2 * wall, w + 2 * wall], rad);
square([l + 2 * clearance, w + 2 * clearance], center = true);
2019-06-08 17:10:47 -04:00
difference() {
rounded_square([l + 2 * wall + 2 * overlap, w + 2 * wall + 2 * overlap], rad + overlap);
square([l + 2 * clearance, w + 2 * clearance], center = true);
cylinder(r = meter_hole_radius(type), h = h + meter_pcb_thickness(type) * 2);
module meter_assembly(type = led_meter, colour = "red", value = "888", display_colour = false) { //! Meter assembled into the bezel
translate_z(-flange_t) {
color("dimgrey") meter_bezel(type);
meter(type, colour, value, display_colour);