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2020-11-14 09:27:22 -05:00
// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2020
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <>.
//! Parametric cable drag chain to limit the bend radius of a cable run.
//! Each link has a maximum bend angle, so the mininium radius is proportional to the link length.
//! The travel prpoery is how far it can move in each direction, i.e. half the maximum travel if the chain is mounted in the middle of the travel.
include <../core.scad>
use <../utils/horiholes.scad>
use <../utils/maths.scad>
function drag_chain_name(type) = type[0]; //! The name to allow more than one in a project
function drag_chain_size(type) = type[1]; //! The internal size and link length
function drag_chain_travel(type)= type[2]; //! X travel
function drag_chain_wall(type) = type[3]; //! Side wall thickness
function drag_chain_bwall(type) = type[4]; //! Bottom wall
function drag_chain_twall(type) = type[5]; //! Top wall
function drag_chain_radius(type) = //! The bend radius at the pivot centres
let(s = drag_chain_size(type))
s.x / 2 / sin(360 / 16);
function drag_chain_z(type) = //! Outside dimension of a 180 bend
let(os = drag_chain_outer_size(type), s = drag_chain_size(type))
2 * drag_chain_radius(type) + os.z;
function drag_chain(name, size, travel, wall = 1.6, bwall = 1.5, twall = 1.5) = //! Constructor
[name, size, travel, wall, bwall, twall];
clearance = 0.1;
function drag_chain_outer_size(type) = //! Link outer dimensions
let(s = drag_chain_size(type), z = s.z + drag_chain_bwall(type) + drag_chain_twall(type))
[s.x + z, s.y + 4 * drag_chain_wall(type) + 2 * clearance, z];
2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
module drag_chain_link(type, start = false, end = false) {
stl(str(drag_chain_name(type), "_drag_chain_link", start ? "_start" : end ? "_end" : ""));
2020-11-14 09:27:22 -05:00
s = drag_chain_size(type);
wall = drag_chain_wall(type);
bwall = drag_chain_bwall(type);
twall = drag_chain_twall(type);
os = drag_chain_outer_size(type);
r = os.z / 2;
pin_r = r / 2;
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inner_x_normal = s.x - wall;
inner_x = start ? 0 : s.x - inner_x_normal;
roof_x_normal = 2 * r - twall;
roof_x = start ? 0 : roof_x_normal;
floor_x = start ? 0 : 2 * r;
cam_r = inner_x_normal - clearance - r;
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cam_x = min(sqrt(max(sqr(cam_r) - sqr(r - twall), 0)), r);
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outer_end_x = end ? os.x : s.x - clearance;
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for(side = [-1, 1])
rotate([90, 0, 0]) {
// Outer cheeks
translate_z(side * (os.y / 2 - wall / 2))
linear_extrude(wall, center = true)
difference() {
hull() {
2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
translate([floor_x, 0])
square([eps, os.z]);
translate([r, r])
teardrop(r = r, h = 0);
2020-11-14 09:27:22 -05:00
2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
translate([outer_end_x - eps, 0])
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square([eps, os.z]);
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translate([r, r])
horihole(pin_r, r);
2020-11-14 09:27:22 -05:00
// Inner cheeks
translate_z(side * (s.y / 2 + wall / 2))
linear_extrude(wall, center = true)
difference() {
union() {
hull() {
2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
if(!end) {
translate([s.x + r, r])
teardrop(r = r, h = 0);
translate([s.x + r, twall])
square([cam_x, eps]);
translate([s.x + 2 * r - eps, 0])
square([eps, os.z]);
2020-11-14 09:27:22 -05:00
translate([inner_x, 0])
square([eps, os.z]);
// Cutout for top wall
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intersection() {
translate([s.x, 0])
square([3 * r, twall]); // When straight
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2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
translate([s.x + r, r])
translate([-r + roof_x_normal, -r - twall]) // When bent fully
// Pin
translate([s.x + r, r, side * (s.y / 2 + wall + clearance)])
horicylinder(r = pin_r, z = r, h = 2 * wall);
// Cheek joint
translate([inner_x, 0, side * (s.y / 2 + wall) - 0.5])
cube([outer_end_x - inner_x, os.z, 1]);
2020-11-14 09:27:22 -05:00
2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
// Roof, actually the floor when printed
roof_end = end ? s.x + 2 * r : s.x + r - twall - clearance;
translate([roof_x, -s.y / 2 - wall])
cube([roof_end - roof_x , s.y + 2 * wall, twall]);
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translate([roof_x, -os.y / 2 + 0.5])
2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
cube([s.x - clearance - roof_x, os.y - 1, twall]);
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2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
// Base, actually the roof when printed
floor_end = end ? s.x + 2 * r : s.x + r;
translate([floor_x, -s.y / 2 - wall, os.z - bwall])
cube([floor_end - floor_x, s.y + 2 * wall, bwall]);
2020-11-14 09:27:22 -05:00
translate([floor_x, -os.y / 2 + 0.5, os.z - bwall])
cube([s.x - floor_x - clearance, os.y -1, bwall]);
2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
if(show_supports() && !end) {
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for(side = [-1, 1]) {
w = 2.1 * extrusion_width;
translate([s.x + r + cam_x - w / 2, side * (s.y / 2 + wall / 2), twall / 2])
cube([w, wall, twall], center = true);
h = round_to_layer(r - pin_r / sqrt(2));
y = s.y / 2 + max(wall + w / 2 + clearance, 2 * wall + clearance - w / 2);
translate([s.x + r, side * y, h / 2])
cube([pin_r * sqrt(2), w, h], center = true);
gap = cam_x - pin_r / sqrt(2) + extrusion_width;
translate([s.x + r + cam_x - gap / 2, side * (s.y / 2 + wall + clearance / 2), layer_height / 2])
cube([gap, 2 * wall + clearance, layer_height], center = true);
module drag_chain_assembly(type, pos = 0) { //! Drag chain assembly
s = drag_chain_size(type);
r = drag_chain_radius(type);
travel = drag_chain_travel(type);
links = ceil(travel / s.x);
actual_travel = links * s.x;
z = drag_chain_outer_size(type).z;
zb = z / 2; // z of bottom track
c = [actual_travel / 2 + pos / 2, 0, r + zb]; // centre of bend
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points = [ // Calculate list of hinge points
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for(i = 0, p = [0, 0, z / 2 + 2 * r]; i < links + 5;
i = i + 1,
dx = p.z > c.z ? s.x : -s.x,
p = max(p.x + dx, p.x) <= c.x ? p + [dx, 0, 0] // Straight sections
: let(q = circle_intersect(p, s.x, c, r))
q.x <= c.x ? [p.x - sqrt(sqr(s.x) - sqr(p.z - zb)), 0, zb] // Transition back to straight
: q) // Circular section
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npoints = len(points);
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2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
module link(n) // Position and colour link with origin at the hinge hole
translate([-z / 2, 0, -z / 2])
stl_colour(n % 2 ? pp1_colour : pp2_colour)
drag_chain_link(type, start = n == -1, end = n == npoints - 1);
assembly(str(drag_chain_name(type), "_drag_chain")) {
for(i = [0 : npoints - 2]) let(v = points[i+1] - points[i])
2020-11-14 09:27:22 -05:00
rotate([0, -atan2(v.z, v.x), 0])
2020-11-15 11:27:53 -05:00
translate(points[0] - [s.x, 0, 0])
translate(points[npoints - 1])
link(npoints - 1);
2020-11-14 09:27:22 -05:00